<br /> ..............Transportation Wastewater Local (C i ty) w..,..__.~.._.~,~. .... _ D~.;~..,'~,.v"' .... ,""'A''"('"' ..... , Stormwater ; Parks
<br /> Cost per trip = Cost per new residential units Costs =r= bc:cd c~ thc typ: c~ 13~d ucc Total stormwater unit ~st per Cost per Dwelling
<br /> $1,363.66 (e.g., single-family, mobile~,,~,~a ~" ...... ~"a'..'"~'~ ........ a~"~ ..... ...... =~,~ w~th sq.ft, of imperious sudace Unit = $1,344.65
<br /> home pa~s, duplexes, ~.,~ ...... " ..... ....... ~, ~ ...... *~ ~..~,,~..,~ .... *~ ~,~ Area = $0.148. Charges are
<br /> apaAmen~) = a base rate of a~"~-,~,.-.u~ .... .... T~.~ .~.~'"* ..... .~.,~" ~" .... ~""a. ~. .... based on use. 1-2 Family
<br /> $297.92 plus $0.0722 per T~., ,,~ ,--~'"*" ~,~, .... - -,,,=,~""~" .O""~a""*~"~.~,.~,,.,., ..,..""~* ,.~" development under 3,000 sq.fl
<br /> square foot of living area. $528.8~. have tiered rates based on
<br /> Residential additions will be est. imp. suda~ areas. 1-2
<br /> m charged $0.0722 per square Family over 3,000 sq.fl, and
<br /> · f~t of increased living area. MulQ-Family & Nonresidential
<br /> ~ Nonresidential uses = are based on actual imp.
<br /> $2.2572 per gallon of daily sudace area. Charges for Mfg.
<br /> flow/discharge. Home Pa~s are based on est.
<br /> imp. suda~ area per spa~
<br /> plus actual imperious su~ace
<br /> area of additional common
<br /> area.
<br /> Estimated ~sts of Estimated non-assessable Thc rclmbursement pc~!cn cf thc charge Estimated non-assessable :Unit ~sts for
<br /> aAerial/~llector ~st of existing system using ~c b:ced cn thc not ~o~ equity in the ~st of system-wide ~pacity Ivarious
<br /> Street system (non ~sts from "Gravi~ Sewer,~.~,,~.'-~---~ *'""*~-*.,~.,,,~,,. ~,.-~-* ...... --a~ ~*~-- ..... from future ~pacity- ~mponen~.
<br /> m assessable cost per Lines System Valuation '"~""~ .... *- ~- ~ .......... * -~"~- enhancing projects as
<br /> m lane-mile, costs of Model" developed by CH2M cf the ch:rge ~- ~---~ ......... * ~-* ~ ~ntained in the Stormwater
<br /> ~ intersections, tra~c Hill. Charges are net of all ~,.~;*,, enh3ndng projects tc bc SDC Project List and available
<br /> ~ signals, street light, federal grants and .... *'.,~*~a ..... *-~--a ~- *~ ........ * existing stormwater system
<br /> cO structures) and off outstanding debt. ~--;*-~,.~..,,,~.~.~,,,~,..~ .......... * Program.~pacity.
<br /> street bicycle paths.
<br /> m Existing levels of Design flow standards T~, ,,~ ..... ~...~" .~.,..,.."*""a"'a ......... .... ~ ....... a~"'. Design standards currently Existing levels of
<br /> ~ se~ice for various currently used by the city for wcctcwctcr trcctmcnt ~or flews ~s defined used by the Ci~ to handle a sewi~ for various
<br /> m components as various land use ~pes. PFUs in MWMC'c cpcr:t!ng pc~it w~th DEQ, Five-year storm. ~mponen~, as
<br /> ¢ es~blished by equivalen~ are dete~ined -,,-""a ~--.~* .... ~.,.,-,,-,,,u~"""= ..... ~,~.=*-~ es~blished in
<br /> ~ current Ci~ per Oregon adopted Plumbing ~mprcvementc 3s l~sted in thc ---~*-~,._, Eugene Parks &
<br /> ~ transpodation design Code. .... ~ .......... ~ ........... *- ~-~- ....... ~a~-*-a~ .... ~,.~ *~ .... Recreation Plan.
<br /> o 'standards. MWMC.
<br />
<br /> ~ Street Component: Reimbursement fee ~., ,,~ ,.,~*t*~*~ ~,~,~, .... =~ ,~ ...... ~,, ...,~--a,~. Reimbursement fee Improvement fee
<br /> O e ~ 40% Impr. Fee ~ ~% --~ ........ * ~-a ~ .......... * ~ ~ 47%
<br /> ~ 60% Reim. Fee Thc prcpcd!cn cf thc fcc thct ~c b:s~d cn
<br /> ~ ~ Bike Component: Improvement fee ..... ~,--~-~-- ~ .......... * ..... ~-- Improvement fee
<br /> '~ O ~ 100% Impr. Fee ~ 16% over tlmc cc~,~---~-"* .... ~,~ ~--*~-a,~,,..,.~, ~ 53%
<br /> Charges for new or New or expanding residential Charges~,~, ....... ,,~ .... a .... .~.~p~-*,,,~,,., ~,,.,,=~ ..... in Charges for new (all) or Charges are based
<br /> expanding uses are charged based on a use :nd existing development connecting expanding (Multi-family, on a fiat rate per
<br /> development are 3er dwelling unit cost plus a for thc firct time 3re bcccd cn thc n'Jmb9r Nonresidential) development ;dwelling unit for all
<br /> based on the cost rate per square f~t of living ~,~ c~, ,~.. .... ~.,,,,~.,~,,~-*~-*~- ~.,,.~=-~*-/~:~,. ~,,~-~ *~-- ....... are based on estimated or types of residential
<br /> per ~ip times the trip area. Non-residenUal uses are *~.,.~ ~..* ...... ....... ~* ~, ,,,~.~.,~. ~ ........ ,..~ :c'-~,~ ~- actual imperious su~ace development. There
<br /> ¢ rate assigned for a charged based on the number b~ccd on thc size cf development, :nd areas and the to~l stormwater is no charge for
<br /> O specific development of PFUs at a rate for the ,~ ......... ~m .... ~, ,.* ~,~,.,.~.~,*~-~-*;--,~..w ~ -~ ......" .... , unit ~st per square foot. ~mmercial
<br /> ~ type times ~e specific development ~pe. biochcm!~l oxygen demand 3nd Stormwater impact not development.
<br /> ~ number of units of Credit for past t~nk sewer suspended cci!dc for c:ch ~jpe of ~3nd ~ibutable to imperious
<br /> ~ measurement lew paymen~ ~11 be applied ucc. The chcrge ~',~. ~,.~,,=~. ..... .,,~ ....... ..~ .,.~a suda~ area will be charged
<br /> · proposed, to the Io~1 charge.~..~_,,~.~,.- ..... ~" ~, .~ a .... .... ~ ..... ~,,,~,,.* .,,~.~.~---a.' based on equivalent suda~
<br /> ~ ...... *-a *- *~ ...... * ..... * ...... * ..... area and the total sto~water
<br /> E ~-~a ~- *~- -~* a~ ...... ~- ~ ~- unit ~st per square f~t.
<br /> .... · -a by thc -~ .... '
<br /> ............. ~ Off
<br />
<br />Note: Administration ~sts are not included in the figures above, see section 2.3.1 for more information.
<br />City of Eugene SDC Methodologi s
<br />
<br />
<br />