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ORDINANCE NO. 19375 <br />AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING LAND USE; AMENDING SECTIONS <br />S.8Z3, 9.ab0, 9.384, 9.38b, 9.54b, AND 9.b74 OF THE <br />EUGENE CODE, 1971; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS; <br />Section 1. Section 8.823 of the Eugene Cade, 1971 is amended to read <br />and provide: <br />S.8Z3 Decision and A eat Authority. If a sign district boundary change. <br />. is for property proposed for annexatian to the city, the planning <br />commission shall recommend a sign district designation to the council in con- <br />junction with the annexation, unless it denies the annexation. The city <br />council shall act on planning commission recommendations for city sign dis- <br />tri ct designations i n conjunction with annexations an an appeals from cammi s- <br />cion denials. Except as otherwise provided in this section, the council <br />shall follow the procedures in Chapter 9 of this code for annexations when <br />considering sign district designations for properties also being considered <br />far annexatian. If a sign district boundary change only includes property <br />already in the city, it shall be approved, modified and approved, or denied <br />by the hearings official. The planning commission shall act on appeals from <br />decisions of the hearings official. Commission decisions are final. A11 <br />final sign district boundary change decisions shall be by order which sha11 <br />mandate in relevant cases that the Sign District Map be amended to reflect <br />the a1lawed change of sign district. <br />Section Z. The provisions for Alley access parcels contained in sub- <br />section ~a~4. of Section 9.Ob0 of the Eugene Code, 1971, are amended to pro- <br />vide <br />9.0b0 Plattin and Ma in Standards - Lots and Parcels. A11 lots and <br />parcels shal 1 comply with the following requirements. In thi s <br />section "lots" and "parcels" are used interchangeably. When more restric- <br />tive, related provisions in the zoning ordinance apply. <br />~a~ Lot Area Minimums. <br />4. Exceptions <br />Alley access parcels <br />Original parcel <br />RA/R-1 ........................ 9,000 square feet <br />R-Z, R-3, R-4 ................. 7,200 or 4,500 <br />square feet <br />as per alley <br />Ordinance - 1 <br />