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Ordinance No. 19383
City of Eugene
1980s No. 18550-19659
Ordinance No. 19383
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 3:44:27 PM
Creation date
2/17/2009 1:03:11 PM
Council Ordinances
An ordinance readopting Ordinance No. 19348; adopting supplemental findings in support thereof; and declaring an emergency.
Approved Date
Brian B. Obie
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2. No evidence or contradictory information has been sub ' <br />matted <br />which warrants modification to that inventor or th <br />Y e <br />inclusionlexclusion criteria for inventories and it shoul <br />d <br />continue to guide land use and Goal 5 inventory decisions <br />concerning open space and scenic views within the mete ' <br />opol ~ tan <br />area, <br /> <br />3.~ The original inventory was updated throw h the Park <br />9 s and <br />Recreation Master Plan. The subject site was anal zed a <br />y nd <br />determined not to be needed for open space and arks. Th' <br />analysis further sat' P ~s <br />~ sf~ es the Goal 5 ~ nventory requirement, <br />4. were the Goal 5 inventor inclusion • <br />fy deci soon far the s site bey ng <br />made at this time or, if such a dec~s~on were re wired as art <br />of this lan amen • q P <br />• p dment proceeding, the subject site would not be <br />el ~ g~ bl a far ~ ncl use on an the open space inventory because of <br />reaffirmation of the criteria used in this initial <br />determination and lack of change of any significant factual <br />circumstances or contradictory information su estin a <br />different deli si on~. ~ gg g • <br />In ,particular, the des. gnats on of a ports on <br />of the. property for recreational use i n the North Cam us P1 an of. <br />the Una verse t of are o p• <br />Y g n ~s not a s~gn~f~cant change ~n factual <br />circumstances. Such designation may indicate a recreational <br />need. for the University of Oregon but i t does not affect the <br />inventory of open space available for ublic use or the Goa <br />. P 15 <br />open space inventory criteria. The land is still not owned by a <br />general purpose government and capable of dedication to eneral <br />public use. Its intensific .,g <br />at~on of use, to the contrary, only <br />suggests its 1 essened ova i l abl i ty for open space preservation . <br />5. Even with different criteria far inclusion of the subject site <br />on an inventory of needed open space land, this site would not <br />be included on any .such i nventory. The analysis em 1 o ed i n the <br />Parks and Retreat' P y <br />. ion .Master Plan ~s re-affirmed. The <br />availability of park lands and o en s ace in im ' <br />ra p p mediate <br />p x~mlty to the site Alton Baker Park, Autzen Stadium <br />fac~l~t~es} and the lack of space far the University to ex and <br />suggests that this site is P <br />needed more for Un i ve~rs i ty-related <br />purposes rather than for. open space. Money spent for <br />.~condemnatian of the site for park land or other ublic use <br />ac uisition could be bet P <br />q ter spent in acquiring land already on <br />the Gaal 5 inventory .] i sts, adjacent to exi sti n ark and <br />9P <br />recreation facilities, or identified in the Master Plan <br />acquisition priorities list. The City of Eugene presently and <br />for the foreseeable future, lacks funds for acquisition of thi s <br />site . Thus, the 1 ocati vn of the site ~ near other rotected o e <br />P pn <br />. space uses;. adjacent to the University of Oregon and needed for <br />expansion} and the guant~ty of other open space in the <br />metropolitan area preclude its inclusion on a Goa] 5 open s ace <br />inventory. ~ P <br />5. What open space value exists for the subject ' <br />~ site can be <br />protected through the developmental restraints outlined in the <br />Riverfront Park Study setbacks, riparian stri develo ment <br />P p <br />preclusions, greenway conditional use permit .processes ect. . <br />PAGE-5 <br />
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