4-I shall be considered noncombustible within the meaning of
<br />this code,
<br />2, Material having a structural base of noncombustible
<br />material as defined i n Item No , l above, wi th a surfaci ng
<br />material not over 118 inch thick which has aflame-spreading
<br />rating of 50 or less.
<br />"Noncombustible" does not apply to surface finish materials,
<br />Materials required to be noncombustible for reduced clearances to
<br />f ] ues, heating app] i ances, or other sources of high temperature
<br />shall refer to material conforming to Item No, 1, No material
<br />shall be classed as noncombustible which is subject to increase in
<br />cambusti bi 1 i ty ar f ]ame-spread rating beyond the ] i mi is herei n
<br />established, through the effects of age, moisture or other atmos-
<br />pheric condition.
<br />Flame-spread rating as used herein refers to rating obtained
<br />according to tests conducted as specified i n U, B, C, Standard No.
<br />42.1,
<br />Plastic materials, approved. Those havi ng a sel f-~i ni ti on
<br />. g
<br />temperature 650 deg. F, or greater when tested ~ n accordance w~ th
<br />U,B,C, Standard Na, 52-3 and asmoke-density rating not greater
<br />than 450 when tested in accordance with U,B,C, Standard No. 42-1,
<br />~ n the way intended for use, or a smoke-density rating na greater
<br />than 75 when tested in the thickness intended for use by U,B,C,
<br />Standard No, 52-2, Approved plastics shat 1 be classified as
<br />either CC1 or CC2, in accordance with U,B,C, Standard No, 52-4,
<br />Pole sign. A sign wholly supported by a sign structure in
<br />the ground.
<br />Pra jecti ng sign. A si gn other than a wal 1 s7 gn which projects
<br />from and ~s supported by a wall of a building or structure.
<br />Reader board signs. A si gn on which the display surface copy
<br />may be c ange . Copy shat 1 be related only to the business, ser-
<br />vice or products offered an the premises on which the sign is
<br />located, or to the announcement of recognized community events,
<br />Roof sign. A sign erected upon or above a roof or parapet of
<br />a building or structure.
<br />S gn . Any medium including its structure and component parts,
<br />why ch ~ s used ar ~ ntended to be used to attract attention to the
<br />subject matter for advertising purposes.
<br />Sign contractor, general. A person engaged in the business
<br />of hanging, rehangi ng, placing, assembling, i nsta] 1 i ng, repairing
<br />or structural 1 y altering any sign provided for within the Eugene
<br />Sign Code,
<br />Sign contractor, limited. A person engaged in the business
<br />of hanging, rehang~ng, placing, assembling, installing, repairing
<br />ar structura 11 y a1 teri ng any nonw i 11 umi na ted sign which i s
<br />4a~ Painted upon, attached to, or erected against the
<br />wall of a building or structure with the exposed face in a
<br />plane parallel to the plane of the wall;
<br />4 b~ Projecting not more than four inches from the bui 1 d-
<br />ing wall or not exceeding eight feet above grade if free
<br />standing; and
<br />~ c} Not exceeding 128 pounds ~ n weight.
<br />Sign structure, Any structure which supports ar is capable
<br />of supporting any sign as defined in this code. A sign structure
<br />Ordinance -- 4
<br />