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determine, <br />e. Subject only to the provisions of the resolutions <br />heretofore adopted by the Eugene Water & Electric Board <br />providing for the issuance of bands payable from the net <br />revenues of the Electric Utility System, any pledge of the <br />revenues or other monies or obligations of the Electric <br />Utility System made by the City acting by and through the <br />Baard shall have such a lien and priority as the Board shall <br />determine and shall be valid and binding from the time such <br />pledge is made, and the revenues or other monies or obliga- <br />tions so pledged and thereafter received by the Board shall <br />immediately be subject to the lien of such pledge without <br />any physical delivery or further act. <br />f. Without limiting the powers extended to the Eugene <br />water & Electric Board to determine terms and conditions of <br />the bonds and other evidences of indebtedness in addition to <br />and not in conflict herewith, the Board is authorized, in <br />its discretion, and to the extent permitted by law, to <br />provide in connection with the authorization of any issue of <br />such bonds, that such bonds and the interest thereon may be <br />payable, collectible or registerable at any place or places <br />within or without the state of Qregon; that such bonds may <br />be issued in fully registered form or in coupon form regis- <br />terable as to principal or as to both principal and interest, <br />interchangeable or noninterchangeable, as between registered <br />and coupon bonds and as between bonds of differing denomina- <br />tions; that such bonds may be redeemable, either at the <br />Ordinance - 4 <br />