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shat l cause to be published three ti rnes i n a newspaper of general circulation <br />i n the ci ty a copy of section 6, 515, as notice to al ] persons responsi b1 a for <br />property of their duty to keep their undeveloped property free of obnaxi ous <br />vegetation. The notice shall state that the city i s wi 1 l i ng to abate such a <br />nui sance on any particular parcel of undeveloped property at the request of <br />the owner or person in charge of the property, for a fee sufficient to cover <br />the city's costs of such abatement. The notice shall a1 so state that, even <br />i n the absence of such requests, the city intends to abate all such nuisances <br />ten or more days after the final publication of the notice, and to charge the <br />cost of dog ng so on any party cular parcel of property pl us a penal ty to the <br />person responsible or the property itself, <br />~2} In addition to the published notice, the finance officer shall <br />send by first class mail postage prepai d, a copy of the published notice to <br />any person responsible far undeveloped property as shown on the Lane County <br />tax rvl l s ar upon records of the city. The failure to receive the mailed <br />notice shall nat relieve any person responsible from the obligation to abate <br />obnoxious vegetation or to pay the cast of abatement performed by the city, <br />6, 521 Obnoxious vegetation -~ Private Abatement. <br />~t in lO ays a ter the t Ord pub ication of the notice for <br />which section 6.519 provides, or as soon thereafter as a nuisance as defined <br />i n section 5.515 occurs, the person responsible for the property where such <br />a nuisance occurs shall abate the nuisance, except as subsection ~2} of this <br />section provides to the contrary, <br />~2} The person responsible for property who is apprehensive that <br />vegetation on the property i s likely to be allegedly i n violation of section <br />6,515, or who denies that a nuisance as defined in that section exists on <br />the property, may f i 7 e with the finance of f i cer a wri tten protest denying <br />that such a nui sance exists an the property, The city manager or his desi g- <br />rate shat I then determine whether the nui sance does so exist, That deter- <br />mi nati on shall be final , I f i t i s affirmative, the person responsible shat l <br />cause the nui sance to be abated within ten days after the determi nati vn , <br />6.523 Obnoxious vegetation -Abatement by City; Penalty, <br />1 ~ f, w~ the n the ten days al 1 owed by sects an 6, 521 far abating <br />a nui sance as defined i n section 6.515, the nui sance has not been pri vatel y <br />abated, the city manager or his designate shall cause i t to be abated, <br />~ 2 } The person authorized to cause, or retained to do, the abat- <br />~ng may enter upon the property at reasonable times for purposes of investi- <br />gating and abating the nuisance, <br />~3 } The finance officer shat 1 keep an accurate record of the <br />expense incurred by the city in abating the obnoxious vegetation and shall <br />include therein a reasonable charge for administrative overhead. <br />~4 } Whenever the city abates obnoxious vegetation, i n addition to <br />any penalty judicially imposed and to the costs specified i n subsection <br />6,5233}, there is hereby imposed on each parcel in separate ownership or <br />contiguous parcels i n single ownershi p, a penal ty of $54 or ten percent ~ lO~} <br />of the abatement costs, whichever i s greater, The finance officer shat l add <br />the penalty to the amount to be collected as provided i n section 6.525 , The <br />finance officer shall waive the penalty i f the abatement costs are paid wi th- <br />i n the time specified i n subsecti an 6.525 ~2 } , <br />Ordinance - 11 <br />