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~ j } A suf f i ci ent number of copies of the complete Solar <br />Access Guarantee application for the Gi ty and all affected parties. <br />~ k} Such other information as may be required by regulations <br />adopted by the city manager and a fee i n an amount set by the city <br />council, <br />~5} Procedure. <br />~ a Re~v~ e~w, The city manager shall review the application <br />for completeness and accuracy, I f the application ~ s complete and <br />complies with applicable standards, the applicant steal l be notified <br />that the application has been accepted. <br />~ b} Notice, After an application for a sol ar access permi t <br />has been accepted, the city manager shall send notice to the owners, <br />lessees of record and occupants of properties affected by the pro- <br />posed Solar Access Guarantee~~affected parties}, The notice shall <br />contain the following information: <br />~. A copy of the Solar Access Guarantee application <br />form which has been accepted, <br />2. The standards for and limits vn a Sour Access <br />Guarantee, <br />3, Procedures for submitting an abjection including the <br />deadline, <br />~ c} Issuance of Solar Access Guarantee, Any objection that <br />the appl i cats on fay s to conform to the standards shall be i n wri t- <br />i ng and filed by an affected party within 10 days following the <br />date that all notices are mai 7 ed. I f no objections are filed and <br />i f the application meets the standards, the city manager steal l <br />issue the Solar Access Guarantee to the applicant and his or her <br />successors-i n-interest, If a wri tten abjection i s timely filed and <br />not withdrawn after informal discussions among the objector, city <br />staff and the appl i cant, a meeti ng of these parties shall be hel d <br />by the city manager, <br />~ d} Meeting Procedure. <br />1, Notice, The city manager shall send notice of the <br />meeting to~ tie applicant and al 1 affected parties at 1 east 10 <br />days before the meeting. <br />2, Meeting, After allowing all affected parties to pre- <br />sent evidence and arguments, the city manager shall review <br />the application, compare the provided information with the <br />application standards and limitations, and consider the evi - <br />dence presented, <br />3, Decision, Unless the parties agree to a l onger <br />period, within ten days of the meeting the city manager steal l <br />state his or her findings and conclusions and approve, approve <br />with conditions, and issue the Solar Access Guarantee or deny <br />the application, The manager shall mai l a copy of the deci - <br />s7 on on the application to all interested parties and persons <br />who have requested a copy of the decision. <br />4, Appeal to Hearings Officer, <br />a. The dec~s~on o the city manager may be appealed <br />to the hearings affi ci al within ten days of the deci si an. <br />An appeal may be taken by the applicant or an affected <br />party. Notice of the appeal shall be sent by the city <br />manager to all interested persons, Appeals shat l state <br />how the city manager failed to properly evaluate the pro- <br />Ordinance - 2S <br />