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Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan set forth on page III-J~-3, to <br />"Maximize the conservation and efficient utilization of all types of ever y. ", <br />9 <br />and with Statewide Planning Goal 13, which provides that "Land and uses de- <br />veloped on the land shall be managed and controlled sa as to maximize the <br />conservation of all forms of energy, based upon sound economic principles." <br />Now, therefore, based upon the above findings, which are hereby adopted, <br />the recor~mendati on of the Planning Commission, and the testimony before the <br />Planning Commission and Council, <br />THE CITY DF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOb~S: <br />Section 1, Section 7.640 of the Eugene Code, 1971, i s amended to read <br />and provide: <br />1.640 Foliage -Certain Trees Prohibited. No person shall plant, or <br />cause to be p ante , a a m, pop ar, nut, locust, fruit, cotton- <br />wood, willow or a cone or needle bearing tree within the right-of--way of a <br />street, avenue, highway or alley, pedestrian right-of-way or pedestrian <br />easement, w~ the n the c~ ty, I f any part of such a street, right-of-~way or <br />easement lies within 45 degrees of the true east-west axis, then only trees <br />on the list of solar friendly trees rnai ntai ned by the Parks and Recreation <br />Department may be planted in that part. <br />Section 2. Section 9.015 of the Eugene Cade, 1971, is amended by amend- <br />i ng the definition of "Solar access" set forth therein, deleting the def i ni - <br />ti on of "Sun exposure plane", and adding the following i n alphabetical order <br />therein: <br />9.015 Def i ni ti vns. As used i n this chapter, unless the context requires <br />otherwise, the following wards and phrases mean: <br />Solar access. Unobstructed exposure to direct sunlight. <br />City manager. The city manager or his or her designee. <br />Insubstantial shade. Shade cast by a structure which is not <br />Ordinance -~ 3 <br />