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ORDINANCE NO. 19405 <br />AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING CITY BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND <br />COMMITTEES, AMENDING SECTION 2.Q13 OF THE EUGENE CODE, <br />1971; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. <br />The City Council of the City of Eugene finds that: <br />It has been the policy and practice of the City that terms of membershi <br />p <br />on City boards, commissions and committees expire on December 31 of the ear <br />Y <br />in which the term has been designated to expire. <br />It would be in the public interest to clarify this policy and ractice <br />p <br />by amending Section 2.013 of the Eugene Code, 1971. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOw5: <br />Section 1, Subsection X14} of Section Z.D13 of the Eugene Code 1971 <br />is amended to read and provide: <br />Z.O13 City Council -~ Boards Commissions and Committees. <br />X14} Unless otherwise provided in the ordinance, resolution state <br />law or other action creating the board, commission or committee all members' <br />terms on boards, commissions and committees shall expire on December 31 of <br />the year the member's term has been designated to expire, If no ualified <br />successor has been a ainted as ~ q • <br />pp of that date, a members term shall continue <br />until the member's successor is appointed and qualified. <br />Section 2. That the matters contained herein concern the ublic welfare <br />p , <br />and in order to insure the orderly implementation of the provisions contain- <br />ed herein an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this Ordinance shall <br />become effective immediately upon its passage by~the City Council and <br />approval by the Mayor. <br />Passed by the City Counci 1 thi s <br />Approved by the Mayor this <br />llth day of September, 1986 <br />17th day of September, 1986 <br />Ordinance - 1 <br />