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I. Prohibition on encroachments, including fill, new <br />construction, substantial improvements, and other development <br />unless certification by a registered profess._anal engineer or <br />architect is provided demonstrating that encroachments shall <br />not result in any increase in flood levels during the occur- <br />rence of the base flood discharge; and <br />2. If the conditions of subparagraph ~. above are met,, <br />all new construction and substantial improvements shall com- <br />ply with all other applicable flood hazard reduction provi- <br />sions of this section. <br />fie} Shallow floodin areas - with de th desi nations. <br />Shallow flooding zones appear on Flood Insurance Rate Maps FIRM), <br />with depth designations, wherever such flooding occurs on sloping <br />water surfaces such as alluvial fan flow, wave wash after the wave <br />has broken, etc. In these areas, the following provisions apply: <br />T, New construction and substantial improvements of res- <br />idential structures within these zones shall have the lowest <br />floor including basement} elevated above the highest adjacent <br />grade of the building site, to at least one foot above the <br />depth number specified an the FTRM. where appropriate, such <br />structures shall be elevated above the craws of the nearest <br />road, to at least one foot above the depth number specified in <br />the FIRM. where hazardous velocities are noted on the FIRM, <br />consideration shall be given to mitigating the effects of <br />these velocities through proper construction techniques and <br />methods. <br />2. New construction and substantial improvements of non- <br />residential structures within these zones shall either: <br />a. Have the lowest floor including basements ele- <br />vated above the highest adjacent grade of the building <br />site to at least one foot above the depth number speci- <br />fied on the FIRM; or <br />b. Together with attendant utility and sanitary <br />facilities, be completely f1oodpraofed to at least one <br />foot above that level so that any space below that level <br />is watertight with walls substantially impermeable to <br />the passage of water and with structural components hav- <br />ing the capability of resisting hydrostatic and hydro- <br />dynamic loads and effects of bouyancy. If this method <br />is used, compliance shall be certified by a registered <br />professional engineer or architect. <br />where hazardous velocities are noted an the FIRM, considera- <br />tion shall be given to mitigating the effects of these velo- <br />cities through proper construction techniques and methods. <br />Section 4. That the matters contained herein concern the public health, <br />safiety and welfare and therefore, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, <br />and this Drdinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage by the <br />City Cvunci1 and approval by the Mayor. <br />Ordinance - 9 <br />