Ordi nan'cp~~, - ~2
<br />B. Location, size, and materi a1 s of a] 1 air ducts,
<br />air inlets, and air outlets.
<br />C. Location of all fireplaces, solid-fuel stoves
<br />and appliances, fans, warm-air furnaces, boilers,
<br />absorption units, refrigerant compressors, condensors,
<br />and the weight of all equipment weighing more than 200
<br />pounds.
<br />D. Location, size, and material of all products
<br />of combustion, vents, flues, and chimneys.
<br />E. Location, size, and materials of all liquid
<br />fuel and gas piping, including gas piping regulated by
<br />the fire code, except sanitary waste and vent piping
<br />and potable water distribution piping regulated by the
<br />plumbing code,
<br />F. Location and area ~ si zed of al 1 venti 1 ati on
<br />and combustion air openings and ducts.
<br />G, Location of all air dampers and fire shutters.
<br />H. Rated capacity or horsepower of all warm-air
<br />furnaces, heat exchangers, blower fans, boilers,
<br />refrigerant compressors, and absorption units.
<br />~8} 5ubsection 3D4 b -Permit Fees, is hereby amended to
<br />provide:
<br />fib} Permit fees. Fees for permits shall be established by
<br />resolution of the council and shall be paid to the building offi-
<br />cial. The determination of value or valuation under any of the
<br />provisions of Chapter S of the Eugene Code, 197, shall be made by
<br />the building official. The valuation to be used in computing per-
<br />mit and plan check fees shall be the total value of all construc-
<br />tion work for which the permit is issued, as well as all finish
<br />work, painting, roofing, electrical, plumbing, heating, air condi-
<br />tioning, elevators, fire extinguishing systems, and any other
<br />permanent work or permanent equipment. where work for which a
<br />permit is required by Chapter S of the Eugene Code, X971, is
<br />started or proceeded with prior to obtaining said permit, the fees
<br />specified shall be doubled, but the payment of such double fees
<br />shat 1 not relieve any person from f u1 ly complying with the requi re-
<br />ments of Chapter S of the Eugene Code, ~97~, in the execution of
<br />the work or from responsibility for any penalties described
<br />therein.
<br />~9} Subsection 344 c -Plan Review Fees, is hereby amended to
<br />provide:
<br />~c} Plan review fees. when a plan or other data is submitted
<br />under subsection ~c~ of section 302, a plan review fee shall be
<br />paid according to the following schedule:
<br />1. Plan checking fee for one- and two-family dwellings
<br />Group R, Division 3 Occupancies} and accessary buildings
<br />thereto Group M} shall be 50 percent of the established
<br />building permit fee.
<br />~. Plan checking fee for Groups A ~assembly~, E ~educa-
<br />tiona1}, I ~institutivnal~, H hazardous}, B ~business~, and
<br />R presidential}, other than Group R, Division 3, shall be 65
<br />percent of the building permit fee.
<br />3. The plan review fee for electrical plans for other
<br />