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<br /> <br />~~ A parcel of land in the Northeast quarter of the Northwest <br />.. quarter of Section 17, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the <br />.- Willamette Meridian and being a portion of that certain tract <br />of land described on Reel 1191, Instr went Number $213033 of <br />the Lane County Oregon Deed Records, said parcel being more <br />particularly described a s follows: . <br />The East 30.00 feet of the following described property: <br />Beginning at a 5/8" iron rod marking the Southwest corner of <br />the A.B. Stevens Donation Land Claim No. 40 in Township 17 <br />South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, in Lane County, <br />Oregon; thence along the Southerly line of said Donation Land <br />Claim line South 89° 34' 14" East 190b.9$ feet tv a 5/$" iron <br />rod; thence continue along said Southerly Donation Land Claim <br />line South $9° 34' 14" East 7b0.22 feet to a point on the <br />center line of Gilliam Road said point also being called the <br />Southeast corner of the A.B. Stevens Donation Land Claim No. <br />40, said point also being the TRUE PRINT of BEGINNING of this <br />description, said paint being reference by a 5/$"` iron read <br />North S9° 34' 14" West 17.51 feet; thence along the center line <br />of said road North 00° 2b' 25" East 400.00 feet to a point on <br />the Southerly line of that certain tract of land described on <br />Reel 2Z7, Instrument Number 2b23b of the Lane County Oregon <br />Deed Records; thence leaving said center line North S9° 35' 1$" <br />West 30.00 feet; thence South 00° 2b' Z5" West 400.00 feet <br />along a line 30 feet from and parallel with said center line; <br />to the said South line of said Donation Land Claim No. 40; <br />thence South S9 34' 14" East 30.00 feet to the TRUE POINT of <br />BEGINNING of this description, the East 15.0 feet of the above <br />described tract being within the right of way of County Road <br />No. 301 in Lane County, Oregon. <br />t <br />Parcel ~To. 5--~~~ang 3500, Survey Vol, SEEDS, 17-03-17, TL 150G Job <br />Na. 1980 12--1-Sb MC~S Page S <br />