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proceeding, cause the tenant to quit involuntarily, ar increase the rent or <br />decrease any services to that tenant. <br />~5} Deliver of notice and other documents, Unless otherwise pro- <br />vided, all notices, contracts, disclosures, documents and other writings <br />required by sections 2.1060 to 2.1084 of this code to be delivered, shall be <br />delivered personally or by registered or certified mail. A refusal of regis- <br />tered ar certified mail by the addressee shall constitute adequate delivery. <br />All documents shall be delivered to the tenant at the address specified in <br />the lease ar rental agreement between the tenant and the developer or landw <br />lord. If there is no written lease or rental agreement, then the documents <br />shall be delivered to the tenant's address at the converted building. In <br />any sublet unit all documents shall be delivered to the tenant at his or her <br />current address and to the subtenant in possession. If the tenant's current <br />address is unknown, twv copies of all documents shall be delivered to the <br />subtenant, one addressed to the tenant, the other addressed to the subtenant, <br />~6} Liberal construction. Sections 2.1060 to 2.1084, of this code <br />shall,be liberally construed and applied to promote the purposes and policies <br />contained therein. <br />~7} Severabilit . If any provision of sections 2.1060 to 2.1084, <br />or the appl~cat~on thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the <br />inval~d~ty does not affect the other provisions or applications of such sec- <br />tions which can be given effect without the invalid provisions or applica- <br />tions, and to this end the provisions of sections 2.1060 to 2.1084 of this <br />code are severable. <br />2.1084 Condominium Conversion - Re ort on Activit , The city manager <br />shall report to the council by March 30 on any condominium conver- <br />sion activity during the previous calendar year, The report shall contain <br />available data and analysis an the following: information on specific pro- <br />jects, data on the neighborhood, city and metropolitan housing market includ- <br />~ng vacancy rates, new construction, demolitions, household characteristics, <br />issued building permits, and housing costs, analysis an the operation of sec- <br />tions 2.1060 to 2.1084 of this code, demographic data, and such other infor- <br />mation that the city manager deems relevant. <br />2.1990 Penalties - S ecific. <br />~4} A violation punishable under sectian 2.10783}~a} is punish- <br />able by a fine not to exceed $504 far each unit with respect to which the <br />violation has occurred. Each day during which any unit has been advertised <br />or offered or sold and such advertisement or offer or sale has not been <br />withdrawn shall constitute a separate offense. The city attorney's office <br />may apply to any court of competent jurisdiction to enjoin a conversion <br />without a permit found to exist by the city. <br />~5} A violation punishable under sectian 2.10783}fib} ar 2.10824} <br />is punishable by a fine not to exceed $500 for each day of continuing viola- <br />t~on. <br />Section 2. The City Recorder, at the request of or with the concurrence <br />of the City Attorney, is authorized to administratively change any references <br />ordinance - 15 <br />