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ORDINANCE Nn. ~~ <br />AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING AMENDMENTS TO THE METROPOLITAN <br />AREA GENERAL PLAN; AMENDING SECTION 9.122 OF THE EUGENE <br />CODE, I9lI; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS; <br />Section 1. Section 9.122 of the Eugene Code, 1971, is amended to read <br />and provide: <br />9.122 Metro Plan - Initiation, <br />,~1} A proposed amendment to the Metropolitan Area General Plan <br />may be ~n~tiated by the Planning Commission or the City Council at an time, <br />If a ro osed P1 an amend y <br />p, p ment would be classified as a Plan Update in accord- <br />ance with the cr7ter~a ~n section 9.124 then the concurrence of all three <br />governing bodies shall be required far the proposed Plan amendment to be con- <br />sidered. <br />~2} The city council or planning commission shall consider the <br />following gu~del~nes ~n determining whether the city should initiate a Plan <br />amendment: <br />~a} There is an urgent need to consider a Plan amendment in <br />advance of the time it would normally be considered; <br />fib} The Plan amendment is needed to address: <br />1. New or amended policies set forth in a state statute, <br />regulation, planning Baal or state agency land use plan; <br />2. New or amended policies or recommendations contained <br />in a refinement plan ar special area study; ar <br />3. An identified community wide need based upon direct <br />and ascertainable community benefits occasioned by the Plan <br />change; and <br />~c} Such other considerations as the council or commission <br />may deem appropriate. The council or comrnissian may refuse to ini- <br />t~ate a Plan amendment for any reason. <br />~3} A person may officially request agovernment-initiated Plan <br />amendment by consulting with and filing a written request with the lannin <br />de artment . The l ann i n ~ p g <br />p p g department shall ~nvest~gate matters relevant to <br />the request, prepare a report, and submit the report to the lannin commis- <br />P g <br />sign. A copy of the report shall be mailed or delivered to the erson re- <br />uestin the amendee ~ ~ p <br />q g nt at the same time ~t ~s de1~vered to the comm~ss~on. <br />The planning commission need not hold a public hearing on the re nest. The <br />commission shall decid q <br />e whether to ~nlt~ate the request based on the guide- <br />lines set out above. A decision by the commission not to initiate a re nest- <br />ed amendment is final. q <br />~4} No fee shall be charged for government-initiated Plan amend- <br />ments. When possible, such amendments shall be considered during the semi- <br />annual Plan amendment proceedings. <br />~5} A governmental body initiating a Plan amendment shall deter- <br />m~ne the timetable and process for consideration of the amendment. Govern- <br />Ordinance - 1 <br />