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EXHIBIT A <br />FINDINGS aF FACT AND CONCL.USICNS GF LAIC <br />BANFIELD PROPERTIES <br />Eugene Cade requires that proposed Plan amendments be consistent with the <br />fol 1 owl ng criteria: <br />1, The Plan amendment is consistent with applicable Statewide Planning Goals, <br />Goal #~ -Citizen ! nyolyement: This Pi an amendment i s being processed i n <br />accordance with the Metro Plan's citizen involvement procedure which <br />requires review by the Metrapolitan Area Plan Advisory Committee ~MAPAC}, <br />and the planning cammissions and the governing bodies of the three <br />metropolitan jurisdictions, <br />This request was referred to various public agencies and groups and notice <br />of the request and public hearing was sent to all residents aid property <br />owners abutting the request. A display ad was published in the Register <br />Guard which outlined the request and the affected properties. The <br />Metropolitan Area Planning Advisory Committee reviewed this request on <br />July ~3, 1987 and a joint public hearing before the three planning <br />cammissions was held on august 18, 1987. The city council's of Eugene and <br />5pri ngf i e1 d hel d a pub1 i c hearing on this matter on actober 14, 1987 and <br />the Board of Commissioners of Lane County held a public hearing on this <br />request on Qctober 28, 1981. <br />Goal #~ -Land Use Plannin This Plan amendment is being processed in <br />accordance with the semiannual Plan amendment process outlined i n Chapter <br />1~ of the Metro Plan, as implemented through the Eugene Code, <br />Goal #5 .. Dpen S~esr Scenic and Historic Areas, and Natural Resources: <br />According the Metro Plan inventories, there are no protected resources <br />1 acated on the subject property . <br />Goal #fi -Air, Water, and Land Resources Qu, alitY; This goal requires that <br />comprehensive plans buffer and separate land uses which create conflicting <br />impacts on air resources. The subject property is in the immediate <br />vicinity of the Eugene Sand and Gravel plant which generates noise from <br />crushing equipment, rock sorting and truck traffic. This company operates <br />during nighttime hours during peak construction periods . Noise generation <br />from this plant has exceeded City standards for the subject property after <br />these standards were made more stringent subsequent to the adoption of the <br />Metro P1 an . As a resul t of this change i n the City's noise standards, <br />resi denti a1 development of the subject property i s highly questi anabl e. <br />The redesignation of the land will permit the development of commercial <br />uses which will buffer the residential development existing and <br />cantemplated~ to the east from Horse generated by the gravel operations. <br />Page 1 <br />