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Ordinance No. 19523
City of Eugene
1980s No. 18550-19659
Ordinance No. 19523
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 3:45:13 PM
Creation date
2/26/2009 2:41:30 PM
Council Ordinances
An ordinance adopting the South Willamette Subarea Plan.
Approved Date
Brian B. Obie
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The east side of Willamette is generally in office and commercial use from 19th <br />north. Between 19th and 24th is a row of single family residences, except far <br />an office use at the corner of loth. Across 20th is also an office use, south <br />of which are mu1 ti pi e-family dwe11 i ngs . Moving southward, Civic Stadium and <br />the Parkway Willamette complex reach to 23rd. 23rd to 24th Place is residen- <br />tial, except for the northeast corner of 23rd Place and Willamette which is in <br />office use. South, across the street on 23rd, is another office use, The <br />remainder of Willamette on both sides is primarily commerci a] extending beyond <br />29th Avenue. This study recommends that the lot an the southeast corner of <br />~1i11amette and 24th P1 ace be rezoned to General Office from C-~ in order to <br />preserve the soft transition from the residential uses north of 24th Place to <br />the commercial uses south of the subject parcel. <br />Land use i n the block bounded by 19th, 20th, oak and Wi 11 amette i s 1 ow-density <br />residential except for the office use mentioned above. The southeast corner of <br />the next block northward is low-density residential, while the remainder of the <br />block is in commerci a1 and office uses, The southeast corner is also the <br />subject of a recommendation, namely, that the Metro Plan be refined by this <br />study to support the continuation of the medium-density zoning which is applied <br />to these parcels. Property on the east side of Dak Street is residential from <br />the alley south of 18th to Civic Stadium. Like the zoning, the area north of <br />18th between Dak and ~1i 11 amette i s i n commercial and office use. <br />Planned hand Dse <br />The Metro Plan.Diagram sets out three general land use categories within the <br />study area, Like Zoning, these categories generally reflect and support <br />existing uses. <br />The Metro Plan Diagram indicates a large commercial node in the 19th to 17th, <br />Willamette to Dak area and residential uses along Willamette from 19th to 24th <br />Place. The east side of Willamette is designated for medium-density residen- <br />tial uses, and the west side for low-density. The area south of the study <br />area, on bath sides of Wi 11 amette i s designated for commerci a1 use. <br />This study recommends that the medium-density residential designation for the <br />Schaal District-owned Civic Stadium and bus garage be supported. The reasonin <br />9 <br />is two-fold. Pirst, the eventual use of the site for medium-density residen- <br />tial use supports the compact urban growth form concept of utilizing the <br />ex~ sty ng ~ nfrastructure such as sewers and roads . The second reason i s that <br />residential use in this site is compatible with surrounding residential uses to <br />the north, south and west. <br />Lam a Sumrnar <br />In general] the existing zoning and planned use as indicated on the Metro Plan <br />Diagram are compatible, with one large exception. The Plan Diagram indicates <br />law-density residential uses on the west side of Willamette, enerall from <br />24th P ~ 9 , Y <br />lace to 19th Avenue. This same section along W~1lamette ~s zoned R-3 far <br />Page 4 <br />
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