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ORDINANCE N0. 19529 <br />AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING MODIFICATION PROCEDURES FOR <br />CERTAIN LAND USE APPLICATIONS; AMENDING SECTIONS <br />9.516, 9.69a, AND 9.722 OF THE EUGENE CODE, 1971; <br />AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. Subsection ~9~~e~ of Section 9.516 of the Eugene Cade, 1971, <br />is amended tv provide: <br />9.516 Final Plan Consideration. <br />(9) Performance agreement. <br />~e~ Modifications. <br />1. ~_Plann~ng Director. Applications for modifi- <br />catians shall be~submitted ,bY the property owner or a 1i- <br />. pP <br />cant. Notice of a proposed mod~f~cat~on shall be sent to <br />all interested parties of record and shall provide at <br />least ten days for submission of written testimony <br />thereon to the planning department. If a modification <br />is minor, i.e., it results in insignificant changes in <br />the outward appearance of the development and impact on <br />surrounding properties, it may be considered by the plan- <br />ning director. These modifications, including extension <br />of construction time schedules or completion schedules <br />and minor site plan revisions may be approved by the <br />planning director upon a finding that the changes: <br />a. Are consistent with the conditions of the <br />original approval , and <br />b. Result in insignificant changes in the out- <br />ward appearance of the development and impact on the <br />surrounding properties, and <br />c. Remain consistent with applicable permit <br />criteria . <br />If the planning director determines that the modification <br />is major, the modification request shall be forwarded to <br />the hearings official far consideration pursuant to the <br />procedures of subparagraph 2. of this subsection. The <br />decision of the planning director classifying the modi- <br />f~cat~an as mayor or minor, is final. The planning <br />director's decision allowing or denying a modification <br />may be appealed within ten days of the date of the deci- <br />sion., Appeals shall be considered by the hearings offi- <br />c~al ~n a public hear7ng that follows the appeal process <br />of subsection ~7} of this section. <br />2. B Hearin s Official. Modifications that are <br />Ordinance - 1 <br />