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ORDINANCE NO . ~ ~'~ ~ y <br />An Ordinance initiating the vacation of the following des- <br />cribed street, to-wit: <br />The right of way located west of Gilliam Road <br />and north of Crescent Lane, as more <br />particularly described on Exhibit A attached <br />hereto and incorporated herein by reference. <br />Knutson, Sv 88-2~ <br />THE CITY CF EUGENE ODES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. The City Council of the City of Eu ene herein <br />~~ „~_- g <br />initiates the vacation proceedings on its own authorit with <br />y out <br />petition or consent of the property owners, exce t as rovided <br />p p ~Y <br />statute, of the above described street. <br />Section 2. A hearing shall be held upon the ro osal to <br />p p <br />vacate the street as herein provided, and the hearin shall be <br />g <br />held on the 2 3rd day of May, 19 8 8 at 7 : 3 0 p, m. , Pacific Time at <br />the Council Chambers at City Hall, Eugene, Ore on at which time <br />g , <br />all persons will be heard upon objections or su estions with <br />gg <br />regard to the vacation, and at said time the Council will rovide <br />p <br />for the vacation or deny such vacation, and in case the vacation <br />is made, will provide and make provision for an dama es <br />Y g <br />sustained by local assessment. <br />Section 3. The City Recorder is hereby directed to immedi- <br />ately publish once each week for four consecutive weeks in a <br />newspaper published in Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, notice of the <br />proposed vacation. The notice shall give a description of the <br />area to be vacated as herein set out; state the date when this <br />Ordinance was passed, the name of any petitioners etitionin for <br />p g <br />the vacation, and the date when the petition, together with an <br />Y <br />ordinance -~ 1 <br />