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1,1.4. Because the Airport is used in the trade or <br />business of the airlines and other taxpayers, and because the <br />City receives revenue in connection with that use, the Series <br />1988 Bonds will be "private activity bonds" under federal law, <br />The City has held a public hearing, pursuant to Section 147~f} of <br />the Internal Revenue Code, after reasonable public notice, and <br />has complied with,,or will comply with, the provisions of federal <br />law which are required for interest on the first series of bonds <br />issued hereunder to be excludable from gross income under federal <br />income tax laws. <br />1,2, Definitions. Capitalized terms used in this <br />ordinance shall have the meanings defined for such terms in this <br />section, unless the context clearly requires otherwise, <br />1.2,1. "Accountant" means the independent certified <br />public accountant or firm of independent certified public <br />accountants appointed pursuant to Section 5.2.9 hereof. <br />1,2.2. "Additional Bonds" means obligations issued on <br />a parity of lien with the Series 1988 Bonds pursuant to Section 6 <br />hereof . <br />1.2,3. "Airport" means: . <br />~a} the presently existing airport which is owned or <br />operated by the City, is known as the "Mahlon Sweet Air vrt" <br />p. <br />and is shown on the map attached as Exhibit A abut excluding <br />all property east of Greenhill Road}; and <br />fib} any additions thereto or enlargements thereof <br />which are declared in an ordinance of the City to constitute <br />a part of the Airport for purposes of this ordinance, or more <br />than 5 percent of the casts of which are financed with <br />Revenues or Bond proceeds. The term "Airport" shall not, <br />however, include: <br />~i} properties sold, leased ar otherwise <br />disposed of or transferred pursuant to the provisions of <br />Section 5.2.11 hereof; <br />iii} properties subject to a Net Rent Lease, <br />except to the extent provided in Section 14 hereof. <br />1.2.4. "Airport Consultant" means any recognized <br />airport consultant or firm of airport consultants having <br />substantial experience with the development, operation and <br />management of airports, which is retained by the City from time <br />to time to perform the duties imposed on the Airport Consultant <br />under this Ordinance, <br />Page 2 - Ordinance <br />