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used fora purpose other than asingle-family residence, or is par- <br />titioned to create new lots fronting on the street for which the <br />assessment was levied; or <br />.fig} The parcel for which a deferral has been granted under <br />section 7.1975} ~s subject to one of the following changes: <br />~. A land division or redivision either by a subdivi- <br />sion or major or minor partition is filed by the owner; <br />2. A sanitary sewer lateral system becomes usable by <br />the parcel; <br />3. A dedicated roadway is extended to provide access <br />to the parcel located within 160 feet of the sewer; yr <br />4. An application is made for a permit to connect <br />existing or proposed improvements on a portion of the parcel <br />to the sewer system of the city. <br />~h} The owner of the parcel for which deferral or modifica- <br />tion or extension has been allowed under section 1.195 fails to <br />comply with the requirement of section 7.215 to provide records <br />demonstrating continued eligibility as determined by section 7.195, <br />~i} The owner of the parcel far which a deferral was granted <br />under subsection 1.1916} fib} and ~c} makes application for a sewer <br />connection permit. <br />7.215 Local Im rovements - Deferral, Extension, or Modification of <br />Assessment Pa ments - Investi ation of Continued Eli ibilit . The <br />finance officer periodically shall review all available records relating to <br />the income and assets of the real property owner for which deferral, exten- <br />sion, or modification of assessment payments has been allowed under section <br />7.195 to ascertain that the property owner continues to meet the eligibility <br />standards. Within thirty X30} days after request is made by the finance <br />officer, the property owner shall submit such records as the finance officer <br />shall request pertaining to the owner's income and assets. <br />7.220 Local lm rovements - Deferral, Extension, ar Modification of <br />Assessment Pa ments -Liens. <br />~1} Any assessment for which payments have been deferred, extended, <br />or mod~f~ed under sect~an 1,195 or section 7.197 shall be alien on the prop- <br />erty to which the assessment pertains. Except as provided in subsection <br />7.2202} and except as provided in subsection 7.2203}, when such an assess- <br />ment becomes due under section 7.210, the entire unpaid principal plus inter- <br />est shall be due and payable and it may be enforced and collected as though <br />it has not been deferred, extended, or modified and as though no timely <br />application was made to pay the assessment in installments. <br />~2} When a deferral, extension or modification of assessment pay- <br />ments given under subsection 7.1952} ends far the reasons in subparts ~b}, <br />~g}2, ~g}3, ~g}4 and ~i} of section 7.210, the real property owner may pay <br />the assessment and interest thereon as provided in section 7.190 from the <br />date the deferral, extension ar modification ended. <br />. ~3} When an,owner eligible for deferral under subsection 7.1953} <br />fails for two consecutive years to be eligible for the deferral previously <br />granted, only the portion of the deferral for which the owner is no longer <br />eligible plus accrued interest thereon shall be paid as provided in subsec- <br />Ordinance - 4 <br />