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t <br />3 i <br />-The City Council has established the method of calcu]ating local improve- <br />ment assessments in Sections 1.170 and 1.175 of the Eugene Code, 1911. <br />A notice containing the information required by Section 7.185 of the <br />Eugene Code, 1911 has been pasted on bulletin board at City hall and given by . <br />certified mail to the owners of the parcels of real property subject to the <br />assessment mare than ten days prior to the public hearing before the hearing <br />official. At the time and place specified therein, a hearings official heard <br />all evidence and argument presented, has fully considered the same, and no <br />remonstrances having been filed, has reported his or her adopted findings to <br />the City Council. The Council has reviewed and considered the assessment <br />report of the City Engineer and Finance Officer and the hearings official's <br />findings and summary of the hearing, and based thereon, <br />TIE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. The Summary of the hearing conducted by the hearings official <br />are hereby made apart of the Council's record in these proceedings, and the <br />hearings official's findings, including those regarding compliance with <br />Sections 1.160 to 7.190 of the Eugene Code, 1911, attached as Exhibit A hereto <br />and incorporated herein by reference are adopted. <br />Section 2. That the actual cast of paving, storm sewers and sidewalks on <br />Wi l ] akenzi a Road from 300 feet east of Coburg Road to the east boundary of <br />Willakenize School, and paving, curbs, gutters and sidewalks on east side of <br />Best Lane from 411 feet north of Willakenzie Raad to 600 feet north of <br />Willakenzie Road, a local improvement in the City of Eugene is the sum of <br />$5,536.68 which is by this ordinance assessed against the parcels of property <br />hereinafter described in the amounts set opposite, respectively. <br />ORDINAf~CE - 3 <br />~~ <br />