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Ordinance No. 19563
City of Eugene
1980s No. 18550-19659
Ordinance No. 19563
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 3:45:30 PM
Creation date
3/3/2009 12:26:17 PM
Council Ordinances
Ordinance concerning the sign code; amending and repealing Sections of the Eugene Code, 1971; and declaring an emergency. (See ordinance for effected sections)
Approved Date
Freeman Holmer, CC Pres
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all signs in areas annexed to the city after September 9, 1965, which do not <br />conform to the provisions of this code, shall be regarded as nonconforming <br />signs, and may remain for five years from the date of annexation. <br />~3} Exce tions, <br />~a} 1f any sign is not conforming in height, area, projection <br />or setback in an amount of not more than 1o percent of the allow- <br />able dimension, the sign will not be required to conform to the <br />provisions of section 8.765. <br />fib} Freestanding signs in areas annexed to the city prior <br />to June 11, 1956, which signs were authorized or existed prior to <br />annexation and which became nonconforming due to height restric- <br />tions under the provisions of this code, may remain in use notwith- <br />standing the provisions of this code with respect to the height and <br />area of such signs. Any nonconforming sign which is structurally <br />altered, ref ocated or replaced shall immediately camel y with al 1 <br />provisions of this code. <br />~c} Freestanding signs in areas annexed to the cit rior to <br />. yp <br />June 11, 1956, which signs were authorized or existed prior to <br />annexation and which became nonconforming due to height restric- <br />tions under the provisions of this code, may remain in use notwith- <br />standing the provisions of this code with respect to the height and <br />area of such signs. Any nonconforming sign which is structurally <br />altered, relocated or replaced sha11 immediately comply with all <br />provisions of this code. <br />Enforcement and Administration <br />8.195 Buildin Official to Enforce. <br />~1} The building official or designee is hereby authorized and <br />directed to enforce all of the provisions of this sign code. <br />~~} Notification of violation and Nonconformity. The building <br />official or designee shall notify in writing the applicant for a sign permit <br />of any violation of this code, who shall correct the violation of this code <br />within the time specified on the written notice. The building official or <br />designee shall notify the owner or lessee of any sign which is made noncon- <br />forming by the enactment of this code within one year of its enactment of <br />the manner and extent of nonconformity of such sign. If the owner of the <br />sign cannot be determined, then the owner of the property on which the sign <br />is located sha11 be given s«r.h wr~ttPn nntira. <br />8.802 Si n Code - A eals. <br />~1} An,affected person may appeal to the hearings official from a <br />decision of the city manager, bud ding official, or their designee made pur- <br />suant to this sign code except fora decision made pursuant to sections <br />S.8o8 to 8.80. Such appeal sha11 be taken within IO days of the decision <br />by filing with the official whose decision is appealed, a notice of appeal, <br />specifying the grounds thereof. The official whose decision is being <br />appealed shall forthwith transmit to the hearings official all the papers <br />constituting the record upon which the action appealed from is taken. <br />~~} An appeal sha11 stay the action appealed from, unless the <br />Ordinance - 20 <br />
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