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TPC shall [recommend to MATCH determine that a proposed amendment be <br />delayed until the next major Plan update if: <br />~. The proposal involves a change to one or more of the Key Assumptions <br />of the Plan as specified i n Sect? on I Y of TransPl an, yr i f <br />2. The proposal is of insufficient importance to divert budgeted <br />planning resources from other scheduled activities, ar i f <br />3. The proposal is premature for consideration because of other related <br />Plan studies i n progress. <br />TPC shall refer all proposed amendments and its recommendations tv MATC~.~ <br />~MATC shall review the recommendations of TPC and determine which of the <br />proposed amendments will be considered as part of the Annual Review and <br />which wi 11 be delayed unti 1 the next ma jar Plan update . ~ <br />For those amendments wh.zch TPC determines should be considered during the <br />current amendment process, TPC sha11 further determine whether the <br />amendment regional significance ar of non-regional significance. <br />Amendments proposed to Element I1'I. Gaa1s, Cbjectives and Policies <br />Element are presumed to be of regional significance. Amendments proposed <br />to other elements of TransPlan, including the project lfists in EI ernent IV . <br />Street and Kighway Element; Element ~, Bicycle Element; and VI. Transit <br />Element may be determined to be either non-regional or regionally <br />significant, <br />A determination by TPC that consideration of an amendment be delayed until <br />the next major plan update may be appealed by any of the adopting <br />jurisdictions or by the applicant who proposed the plan amendment. <br />Likewise, a determination by TPC that a project is regionally significant <br />or non-regionally significant may be appealed to MPC. <br />Review of Pro osed Amendments <br />TPC shall prepare background information and supporting materials for <br />each of the amendments preferred to it by MATC for consideration. TPC <br />shall also make recommendations on all proposed Plan amendments being <br />considered. TPC's recommendation for action on non-regionally <br />significant amendments shall be made to the governing body under whose <br />jurisdiction it falls. TPC's recommendation far action on regionally <br />significant amendments shall be made to Eugene, Springfield, Lane County, <br />LTD and OD4T . <br />The Metropolitan Area Planning Advisory Committee ~MAPAC~ may review <br />proposed amendments that MATC] TPC has determined should be considered. <br />MAPAC shall forward any recommendations on proposed Plan amendments to TPC <br />within 30 days of MATC's~ TPC's actions. TPC will consider MAPAC's <br />recommendations when preparing [the Annual Reviews its recommendations <br />for action on proposed plan amendments. Additional opportunities for <br />citizen review will occur during the public hearings phase of the Annual <br />Revi ewe the amendment process, <br />