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Lack of Consensus (First Stage)1 <br />Tf consensus to endorse] amend the Plan in identical fashion is not <br />reached, or if LTD or DDDT objects to the [endorsements amendment, the <br />~MATC~ ~iPC shall convene within 30 days of the action of the last <br />jurisdiction to consider the ~endarsement~ amendment. [MATC] ~fPC shat l <br />consider the actions taken by local jurisdictions and shall ro ose <br />P P <br />recommendations that would eliminate differences between Chase actions. <br />~MATC~ tlPC shall submit its recommendations to 1 ocal jurisdictions, LTD or <br />DDDT as appropriate, If the ~MATC~ MPC process results in substantial <br />modifications to the Plan as ~endorsed~ amended by any local jurisdiction, <br />affected ~ur~sdict~ons shall conduct new hearings before Cendorsing~ <br />amending the Plan as modified. - <br />?"he L-COG Board will be required to ratify non~reginnally significant <br />amendments adopted by the governing body under Whose jurisdiction they <br />fall and the regionally significant amendments adopted by Eugene, <br />Springfield and Lane County. Public hearings conducted by the L~C4G Board <br />shall not be required since public bearings must have been conducted by at <br />least one agency's planning commission or govern.zng body. <br />[Lack of Consensus (Second Stage)1 <br />~If consensus to endorse the Plan in an identical fashion is still Hat <br />reached as described in the first stage, Lack of Consensus step, the <br />P1 anni ng and Public Forks Directors sha11 schedul e a joint meeti n of <br />elected officials from Eu ene S i g <br />g pr ngf~eld and Lane County for the purpose <br />of discussing the endorsement. LTD and DDQT may participate, if <br />appropriate, ~f LTD or DDDT is involved, the LTD Board and the Dregan <br />Transportation Commission or their designees shall participate in the <br />joint meetings. ~f resolution on the differences is reached, the Plan <br />sha11 be forwarded to MATC and the L-CDG Board for rati f i cati an . ~ ?. <br />jLack of Consensus (Third Stage)~ <br />~If consensus to endorse the Plan in an identical fashion is Hat resolved <br />through joint meetings, the matter wi 11 be referred to the LwCDG Board. <br />The L-CDG Board shall endorse the Plan plus only those amendments that <br />have been adopted i n i denti ca 1 fashion by all three 1 oval jurisdictions . <br />This will insure that federal transportation fundin remains <br />g <br />uninterr~rpted.~ A recommendation from MATC for ~no endorsement could <br />jeopardize cvnti Hued federal and state transportation funding. <br />c 1 j rta r <br />