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1. Only minimal future alterations of the historic propY <br />arty and its site wi11 be necessary to continue the proposed <br />use of the property. <br />2. The alteration will not impair ar change the essential <br />historic form and integrity of the historic property. The dis- <br />tinguishing historic qualities, features or character of the <br />historic property and its site will nat be impaired or altered <br />unless: <br />a. There is an immediate hazard to public safety <br />and no alternative approach exists which would retain <br />the features or minimize the impact of the praposed <br />alteration; <br />b. There are mandatory building or handicap codes <br />or requirements, and it is not reasonably possible to <br />retain the historic features or minimize the impact of <br />the praposed alteration and also to comply with those <br />codes or requirements; or <br />c. The only alternative to the alteration would be <br />demolition of the historic property. <br />3. The alteration will not create an earlier historic <br />appearance which is different than the remainder of the prop- <br />erty or which has no historic basis. <br />4. Distinctive stylistic features and examples of <br />skilled craftsmanship have been retained to the greatest <br />extent possible. <br />5. The alteration is compatible in design, size, arrange- <br />ment, proportion, detail, scale, color, texture, material and <br />character with the rest of the historic property and the nearby <br />area. <br />G. Reasonable conditions may be imposed in granting an <br />alteration application. Particular conditions may be imposed <br />based on the fallowing considerations: <br />a. Deteriorated architectural features should be re- <br />paired rather than replaced whenever possible. Deteri- <br />orated architectural features that cannot be repaired <br />should be replaced with material which matches the <br />original material in design, color, texture and other <br />visual qualities. Whenever passible, repair or replace- <br />ment of architectural features should be based on accurM <br />ate duplications of features and composition of materials, <br />substantiated by historic, physical, or pictorial evidence <br />rather than on conjectural designs or the availability of <br />architectural elements from other buildings or structures. <br />b. When surface cleaning of buildings or structures <br />takes place, it should be undertaken with the gentlest <br />effective means possible. Sandblasting and ather abra- <br />sive cleaning methods that may damage the historic prop- <br />erty should not be employed. <br />c. Every reasonable effort should be made to protect <br />known archeological resources affected by and adjacent <br />to any al terat ~ on project . <br />fie} Notice of decision. The city shal l mail a copy of the <br />pl ann~ ng d~ rector's deci si an within one day of the deci si an to the <br />Ordinance - 9 <br />