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County Tax Assessor that all or a portion of the property for which a lica- <br />tian was made shall be PP <br />exempt from the ad valorem property tax levy of the <br />city of Eugene. <br />2.916 Low Income Housin Pro ert Tax Exem tian - Annual A lication <br />Renewa] . <br />~1} Applicants for property tax exemption under section 2.912 of <br />this code must apply each year no later than March 1 in order to be ualified <br />for ro ert tax exem d o q <br />P P y p n for the fallowing tax year. <br />~~} Applicants for property tax exemption under section 2.912 of <br />this code shall apply and may be eligible for property tax exem tions for <br />P <br />assessment years beginning on or after January 1, 1989, but no later than <br />January 1, 1994. <br />2.918 Low Income Housin Pro ert Tax Exem tion - Re ulatar Power. The <br />city manager may issue rules necessary for the implementation of <br />sections 2.910 to 2.922 by following the process set out in section 3.012 of <br />this code. <br />2.920 Low Income Housin Pro ert Tax Exem tion - Assessment Exem tion. <br />~1} Property for which an application far a property tax exem - <br />tion has been a roved under t P <br />pp he provisions of sections 2.910 to 2.922 shall <br />be exempt from ad valorem taxation for one assessment year be innin on or <br />after Januar 1 o g g <br />f y, f the year immediately following the calendar year in which <br />construction ~s completed, determined by that stage in the construction ro- <br />cess when ursuant to ORS P <br />p 301.330, the property would have gone on the tax <br />rolls in the absence of the exemption. The exemption provided far herein <br />shall be in addition to any other exemption provided by law. <br />~2} Applications for property tax exemption under section 2.912 <br />shal 1 apply to and may be approved for assessment years be i nni n no 1 ater <br />g 9 <br />than January 1, 1994. <br />2.922 Low Income Housin Pro ert Tax Exem Lion - Termination. <br />. ~1} If, after a certificate of qualification approving the exem - <br />t~ on has been f ~ 1 ed w~ th P <br />the county assessor, the city manager finds that <br />non-compliance has occurred or that any provision of sections 2.91o to 2.922 <br />is not being complied with, the city manager shall give notice in writin <br />to the owner mailed t g <br />o the owner s.last known address, of the proposed ter- <br />m~nat~on of the exemption. The notice shall state the reasons for the ro- <br />P <br />posed termination Of exemption and require the owner to appear before the <br />council to show cause at a specified time, not more than 20 days after mai]- <br />~ng of the notice, why the exemption should not be terminated. <br />~2} If the owner does not appear or if the owner appears and fails <br />to show cause why the exemption should not be terminated, the exem tion shall <br />be terminated, A c P <br />vpy of the termination shall be filed with the county <br />assessor and a copy sent to the owner at the owner's last known address, <br />w~th~n ten days after its adoption. <br />~3} If the council finds that the non-compliance was due to cir- <br />cumstances beyond the control of the owner, and that the owner had been act- <br />Ordinance - 3 <br />