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19037 <br />EXHIBIT ir~rr <br />Pitchford AlZ 82-~ zo <br />a n~ ng <br />Beginning at the i~arthe3st corner of the E • <br />.Bailey Donau. on <br />Land Claim .I~lumher ~0 ~.n Sec tian ~, Townshi 1 c3 <br />west of the ~~~illam ~ p South, Range ~ <br />• ette ~~erldlan, RU~I thence along tihe East li <br />ofosald c~.azm, South DOo23f 2bT' ~,,rest933.25 feet. ~ ne <br />S9 1~~~1 ~~ ~,~rest p,p r ~. + ~. ,thence North <br />3 3 ~eet ~a ~he .~resterly r~.ght-of~wa of <br />Road Number 130 ~wil~,vw Creek o .Y Gaunty <br />R add and the True Poa.nt of <br />Beginning; run thence a~.vng said right~af-wa o ° r rr <br />~~est b~S . ~ fe ° Q Y, S uth OQ 23 1 ~ <br />et, thence alonb a 253. ~ foot rada~us curve r~.~ <br />the long chard of which bears °htJ <br />o South ~5 3b r ~,2 ~' I~`~est 359.11 feet • .. <br />thence earth 89 1 ~, r ~.~ rr ~~~est 2025.25 feet • the ~ ° t ~ rr <br />tires t 30.04 fee ~ ~ nce South. 04 ~5 19 <br />t to the northerly ra.ght-of~way of Lan <br />and leaving the right-~af-~~ay for ~~tilla~wr Greg ~ • + e <br />said r~,~h' .. "~.. ~~ .~ ° r r ~.k Rvad, hence along <br />ti ~ of gray t~or ~h S9 1 ~ X111 }rest 1 X19.1.9 feet to the wes' <br />one~half claim corner; thence leavin the ~~~ ~ ' ~ <br />of-~tire,~ } ° t rr ~ ~ g ~;cTa rlsh Lane rzght~- <br />~`, ~~orth QO 20 38 Last 1 o6b • 57 feet to the I~~orth~rest ca <br />of Donation Land Claim Number ~0 • thence ~ ~ o z ~, tr rner <br />922~~ f , I~or~h QO ~.3 ~~ East <br />3 eet to the North line of Section 5• thence alon <br />Section ~.ine South 5 °p r 1~ ' g said <br />9 ~. 26 East bb0,D1 feet to the Secta.on <br />corner common, to Sections ~. and 5, To~~mship 1 S South, Ran a ~. <br />~r~est of the ti~lllamette ~~ieridian g <br />,and Sections 32 and ~~, Tom- <br />5hlt~ 17 ...South, Range ~ ~•~est of the ~~dillar~ette ~~~Ieridian • th ` <br />~~~orth DO°07 r 22't .East 281. 0 fe,.t th o ; s rr ence } <br />5 ° ; ence South 89 1B 01 East <br />22b? .59 feet to the ~~resterly ri~ht~of-•wa of ~~,rillo~ ~ • <br />,~ ~ oy r Cr.,ek Road, <br />hence along saa.d ra.ght--af~-gray South 00 Q2' QQt~ crest 1.2 1. b <br />fe Q r ~ ? <br />et, thence South 89 1~ 33~! East b52.22 feet• thence along <br />113.1 ? foot radius curve right r ' b a , .. <br />b , t.e long chord of which hears <br />South ~~°23155" East 159.6 feet• then ° <br />~ 1 Ge south oo ~3r15z~ E1~est <br />?~3. 9 feet to she True poln~ of Bebinnin~ all Zn Zane <br />o ~ Count,, <br />aregon. . <br />