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/ i <br />ORDINANCE NO. <br />-~ <br />A~~ QRDINATJCt LEIS ~ INu ASSESSMENTS FOR paving Lue11 a Street from Bai 1 ey Lane to 175 feet <br />north of Van Avenue <br />~.{ <br />in the City of Eugene, Lane County, Oregon. ~. <br />RECITALS: <br />The City Council of the City of Eugene did by Resolution No. ~~_, adopted __ _~J ulY <br />1~ $1, determine to pave Luel 1 a Street from Bailey Lane to 115 feet north of Van Avenue <br />The City Council authorised the execution of a contract for the construction of the local <br />improvements on Au ust 10 ,~,,,_.. , l~l. ; <br />' The local improvements have been constructed in accordance with the contract and applicable <br />provisions of the Eugene City Code and the cost thereof and amaunt~to be assessed have been ascertained to be: <br />Item 1. Cash Payments to Contractor - Contract ~ ~~ $ 45,323.72 <br />Contract r <br />item 2. Maintenance Retainage <br />Item 3. Other Costs (Describe) Lateral cost far Acct. 020 <br />Item 4. Deferred Assessments (Type) <br />Item 5. Amount of Remaining Warrants Issued to Complete Contract <br />Item 6. Total Amount for Contract 7 8 1 - 2 8 <br />Item 7. Less - City's Share of Cost for Completed Contract <br />Item $. Plus - . <br />a. DUE TO GENERAL FUND for Liquidated Damages <br />645.67 . <br />~ 45,969.39 <br />_19,1x9.25 <br />Item 9. Amount to Which 17%City Charges are Applied <br />Item 1O. .Plus - Unpaid Balance of City's Share (See Item ~4 Below) <br />Item 11. Less - Liquidated Damages <br />Item 12. Less -Other Costs (Describe} Item 3 <br />Item 13. Plus - Overpayment to Contractor by Warrant <br />Item 14. ASSESSME~-T WORK III. PROCESS <br />Item l5. Al us-. _ .. ~-Warrant Inter~st~ 1,044.k~1 <br />Item 16. P1 us-15% aT~ 1 tem 9-City Charge far Engineering 4,017.`02 <br /> & Inspection , <br /> Plus-2% of Item 9-City Charge far Internal ~ 535.&0 <br /> Service <br /> Plus- °~~ of Item 9-Warrant Interest <br /> Charge <br /> TOTAL CITY CHARGE <br />5,597,2 <br /> _ <br />a . DE~E TO WARRANT REDEh1PTI O~ FU~1D - <br />Item 17. P1 us - DUE TO SEWBR UTILITY for 1J2G SPECIAL SEWER LEVY AC C t. 0 2 0 <br />Item 18. Plus - DUE TO SEWER UTILITY for Lateral Sewer (Item 3) <br /> Equivalent of Trun~C Sewer System <br />Item 19. Plus - DUE TO WARRANT REDEMPTION FUfr'D for Engineering <br /> Charges on City`s 5ha~e of Costs ' <br />Item zo. Plus -other Costs (Describe} "15% Engineering an City Accts . <br />Item 2,. Pius - Liquidated Damages <br />Item 22. Less - pre~Pai d Engineering Charges <br />Item 23. ASSESSMENT RECEIVABLE - Total Assessments per Ordinance <br />26,180.14 <br />19,189.25 <br />- 645.67 <br /> <br />5,597.29 <br />39.n0 <br />645.67 <br />2,878.39 <br />~ 54.~~f~4.07 <br />Item 24. Cit 's Share of Cost for Com leted Contract: <br />Amount Paid on <br />Account 1 5 % COnSLrJCtion Monthly <br />No. En Costs Estimates TOTAL <br />T ntwr~pr.i:i nn~ ~ 7'5Q 14.^ - _.. + ~4s9T0~. 86~~5 72T] X00 <br />. 332-9332w61739-.924734 1.41 + 49.80 57.27 <br />_TOTAL_: - ____.,_Y-_~~,,~,882~9a~~_ . _ 19 189.25 22,Q72 15 <br />Ordinance - 1 P.W.ENGR.ADM 070 2/82 <br />