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<br />Very few local streets have been improved under the revised assessment methodology. For local streets <br />the City Council generally does not initiate assessment projects through either adoption of the annual <br />capital budget or by council motion. The petition poll process is the method that the City has relied <br />upon to initiate assessment projects on local streets. This process is time consuming and expensive <br />because property owners want to know what the street improvement will look like and how much their <br />assessment will be before signing a petition poll. It is rarely successful because it requires property <br />owners bearing over 50 percent of the cost to sign the petition poll. In addition, for local streets there is <br />not a viable funding source to fund the City’s share of assessment projects. <br /> <br />The Crest Drive, Storey Boulevard, and Friendly Street project is a local street improvement project that <br />has been initiated, but where an LID has not yet been formed. <br /> <br />In 2001, the Agenda Item Summary for the ordinance amending the Eugene Code for local streets <br />included the following information – In the past 20 years, approximately 3.31 miles of substandard local <br />streets have been improved to City standards, representing a street improvement rate of 0.17 miles per <br />year. At this rate, it would take 280 years to bring all of the 48 miles of currently existing substandard <br />local streets up to standards. <br /> <br />City Council Identified Issues <br /> The City Council identified the following issues with the current assessment policy at its June 16, 2008, <br />work session – <br /> <br />Financing <br />? <br /> <br />Extend payment period beyond 10 years <br />? <br /> <br />Defer assessments until the sale of the property <br /> <br />LID Boundaries <br />? <br /> <br />Use a travelshed approach to identify benefiting properties <br />? <br /> <br />Include cul de sacs to the street being improved <br />? <br /> <br />Include all properties that must use the street to be improved to access property <br /> <br />Individual Properties <br />? <br /> <br />Consider the depth of the property in the assessment formula <br />? <br /> <br />Consider a per property assessment regardless of the property frontage <br /> <br /> <br />RELATED CITY POLICIES <br />Chapter 223 of the Oregon Revised Statutes prescribes the rights and responsibilities of cities to levy <br />assessments for local improvements. The Municipal Charter, Chapter IX – Public Improvements <br />provides the regulatory framework for public improvement procedures and assessments. The Eugene <br />Code, Chapter 7 – Public Improvements prescribes the process for initiation of an assessment project, <br />formation of a local improvement district, and computation and allocation of assessments to benefiting <br />properties. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Z:\CMO\2009 Council Agendas\M090309\S090309C.doc <br />