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Item 6: Action: Ordinance on Water Quality Waterways Protections
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2009
CC Agenda - 03/09/09 Meeting
Item 6: Action: Ordinance on Water Quality Waterways Protections
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6/9/2010 12:54:05 PM
Creation date
3/6/2009 12:19:01 PM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br />easements in the areas designated for protection, as an alternative to taking a regulatory approach. The <br />council considered the conservation easement approach at a work session on January 28, 2009, and <br />decided to move forward with the proposed regulatory approach incorporating staff recommended <br />changes in response to public testimony. The council directed staff to return with the ordinance as <br />proposed for action. <br /> <br />City Council Action History - Open Waterways Ordinance <br />In April 2000, the Eugene City Council adopted an ordinance into Chapter 6 of the Eugene Code that <br />required certain waterways in the City be left open (no piping or filling). The ordinance was <br />subsequently challenged on the basis that it was a land use decision requiring greater justification and <br />was remanded back to the City by the Land Use Board of Appeals. It ceased to be in effect as of July <br />2001. The current proposal before the City Council, a regulation protecting specifically identified <br />waterways for their water quality functions and values, essentially replaces the open waterways <br />ordinance and includes the justification required of land use regulations. The Water Quality Protected <br />Waterways ordinance includes repealing Ordinance No. 20194 and Code Sections 6.650, 6.655, 6.660, <br />6.665, and 6.670, which are no longer in effect but are still in the Code, and amending Chapter 9 of the <br />Eugene Code with new provisions. <br /> <br />Draft Ordinance and Exhibits - Updated <br />To comply with City Council direction from its October 15, 2008, process session, this AIS includes two <br />sets of materials. Attachment A includes the proposed draft ordinance and exhibits, updated as <br />described below, in clean copy without legislative markups. Attachment B includes the same materials <br />in legislative format (with the exception of the electronic and printed maps, for which there are <br />references to the previously provided materials), reflecting modifications proposed since the January 28, <br />2009, work session. <br /> <br />The attached ordinance includes two minor modifications made since the January 28 work session: <br /> <br />·Section 9.4780(2)(h)(12), page 9 of Attachment A – Modifications to clarify that the provision <br />enabling the maintenance, repair, replacement, upgrading and expansion of telecommunications <br />facilities applies to facilities used for the transmission of television and radio signals. Since the <br />council’s last consideration of the ordinance, staff has learned that the term <br />“telecommunications” as defined in the Eugene Code does not include facilities for the <br />transmission of television and radio signals. This modification is consistent with the intent of <br />this provision, in response to testimony received. Mitigation for any impacted water quality <br />functions authorized by this section would be required. <br /> <br />·Ordinance Section 31, page 34 of Attachment A – with respect to the effective date of the <br />ordinance, replace “three months from the date of its adoption by City Council and approval by <br />the Mayor” to a specific date that is three months from adoption (“midnight on June 10, 2009”) <br />for clarity. Throughout the ordinance, replace “effective date of this ordinance” with “June 10, <br />2009.” <br /> <br />The list of affected taxlots inside city limits (Ordinance Exhibit B) and the list of affected taxlots outside <br />city limits and within UGB (Ordinance Exhibit C) have been updated to reflect recent changes to the <br />Lane County parcel data layer, as follows: <br /> <br />·Removal of one taxlot number reflecting a recent land survey resulting in property boundary <br />changes that caused the taxlot to no longer be affected by this proposal. The total area of the lot <br />impacted by the proposal was minimal, less than 900 square feet, or about 0.02 acres; <br />Z:\CMO\2009 Council Agendas\M090309\S0903096.doc <br />
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