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-9og~ <br />CITY OF EUGENE <br />SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET No. 4 <br />BUDGET COMMITTEE--Oanuary 18, 1983 <br />CITY CnUNCIL--Danuary 19, 1983 <br />Fund De artment Item/Descri tion $$$ $$$ <br />GENERAL/FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FOND <br />Administrative Transfer $79,180 from Contingency to fund -0_ <br />Services the BATeam for the second half of the <br /> fiscal year <br />Library Increase revenues and operating appro- 16,199 <br /> priations for state Aid to Libraries <br /> grant <br />Planning Increase revenues and operating 9,175 <br /> appropriat~.ons for LCDC grant for <br /> Metro Plan maintenance <br />Public Works Increase revenues and operating appro- 3.,783 <br /> priations to reflect carry aver of <br /> Bike safety Education grant <br />Facilities Transfer $9,208 from Contingency -p-. <br />Deve~.opment to aperating to ref3,ect FY82 <br /> carry over of PTI Small Business <br /> Energy Management grant, fiscal <br /> year-end adJustment <br /> Increase revenues and operating apps- 44,550 <br /> priatians for BPA grant for Conservation <br /> Investment by Commercial Customers <br />Non-Departmental Transfer $4,504,000 from Interfund Operating -0_ <br /> Transfer to Debt Service to reflect repayment <br /> of Interfund loan, adjustment to appropriation <br /> line-item account <br /> TOTAL GENERAL/FEflERAL REVENUE SNARING FUND ~ 73,707 <br />