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"• ~ 1r <br />t ~{ <br /> <br /> <br />ORDIN~iNCE NO. <br />_ AN ORDINANCE ORDERING AN ELECTIQN To BE CaN- <br />DUCTED BY THE LANE COUNTY ELECTIpN DEPARTMENT <br />oN THE 1?TH DAY OF MAY, 1953, FpR THE FURPQSE <br />of SUBMITTING To THE LEGAL ELECTORS OF THE <br />. CITY OF EUGENE A MEASURE AUTHORISING $190,5$$ <br />TAx oN OG~NERSHIP OF REAL PRpPERTY IN DOWNTOWN <br />DEVELOPMENT DZSTRZCT; ADOPTING~POLLING PLACES <br />AND PROVIDI~'G FpR ALL ACTS NECESSARY FpR THE <br />CARRYING pN OF SAID ELECTIpN; AND DECLARING __ <br />AN EMERGENCY. - ~ . <br />THE CITY pF EUGENE DpES ORDAIN A5 FOLLDWS: <br />Section 1., The City Council does hereby order an election to <br />be held in the City of Eugene, Oregon, concurrent. with the s ecial <br />Y p <br />election on Tuesday, May l~', 1983, at which election there shall be <br />submitted to the electors of the City far their a royal or re'ec- <br />Pp ~ <br />Lion, the following Measure, to-wit: <br />MEASURE SUBMITTED To THE <br />vpTERS BY THE CITY COUNCIL <br />MEASURE Np. 51 <br />Sha~.l City of Eugene tax owners of property in Down-- <br />town Development District $190,588 for x.983-~5~ free- <br /> program? <br />THE CITY pF EUGENE DOES pRDAIN AS Fo.LLOWS: <br />BE IT ENACTED BY THE ELECTORS GF THE CITY OF EUGENE, <br />OREGON: <br />Section 1. Measure authorizes tax of $190,5$8 out- <br />side Constitutional 6 percent limitation .on ownership of <br />real property in Downtown Development District only and <br />not elsewhere in City for operating expenses of District <br />July 1, 1983 to June 30, 198, If Measure is approved, <br />operating budget of District to be financed by taxation <br />on ownership of real property in District for Tax Year <br />1983--84 will be $2,000 less than the operating budget <br />so financed in preceding year. <br />Section 2. If voters approve this Measure, the Down-~ <br />town Commission will be able to cont~.nue to provide FREE <br />~rdznance -~ 1 <br />