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~g ia~ <br />EXHIBIT ~A <br />Ta~c ] at 16~o~-- Map Na. ] 7-Q3-29-3a: <br />~ parce~I of land lyf ng in the Next hal f of Section 2~ <br />and the Eaxt half flf Station 30, Township 17 South, . <br />~tangt 3 Weat of the Millaunetta Meridian, and baiag that <br />portion of Lota 9 and 10t Plat of Linton, ax platted <br />ar,d recorded in Book 2, Page 43, Lane County Oregon <br />Plat Records, described ax follows: Beginning at a <br />~aadt ointhe East line of said Lot 10, Flai of Linton, <br />po being South ~ degrees 04 10 wear, 49.1 <br />feet from a paint on the Centerline of Country C3ub <br />. Road, said last II-entioned paint being South 70 degrees <br />0~' East, 156x.16 feet from the Southeast Corner of the <br />J. Gillespie Donation Land Claim Ho. 70, Ta~rnzhip 17 <br />South, Range 3 nett of the Willamette ~erir~i~+;; f:~ <br />10" ~ int df beginning run thence South D degrees, 04' <br />est along the Bast Ifne of laid I~at 10, 101.7p <br />. feet to the Northerly might-of•vay of Interstate <br />aighway No. 1Q5 as conveyed to the State of Gregon by <br />eed recorded on keel 197, Reception No. 74314, Lane <br />County Qregan Deed Records, thence South 82 degrees 19' <br />3~" West along said right-of-way, 104.37 feet to a 5/8 <br />.inch iron rod lying 130.00 feet left of Engineers <br />St~tivn L~28ta0 P.p,S., thence continue along said <br />right-of-way North 77 degrees 33' West 173.15 fret to a <br />5~8 inch ironer rod; thence 3eaving said right-vf~vay run <br />3~orth 0 degrees C4' 10" East parallel to the East line <br />of said Lot ID. Plat of T.ZntC;;~ ~ °~. ~~ saaw 40 : j~,viiit <br />1D.D0 feet Southerly of, when measured at right angles, ~ <br />the centerline of C4untary Club Roadi thence South 70 <br />degrees OB' East parallel to said centerline, 1B~.D5 <br />teet~ thence along the arc of a 960.D0 foot radius <br />curve to the right, the fang chord of vhfch bears South <br />S5 degrees 5d' 49" East, 110.07 feet, a distance of <br />Y 10.13 feet to the firue Point of S-eginninq, in lCugene, <br />Lane Caunty~ ~regoa. .~ <br />Tax fat ~11a~-- Map No. ~1-03-~~w~a <br />(SD 83-1) <br />All that part of Lots 11 and 12, PLAT DY L1h'TGN, as <br />platted and recorded in Book 3, Page 43, Lane Gaunty <br />Dregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Gregon bet~reen <br />Cfluntry Club Road and the rightrof-wa.y of the Interstate <br />Nigh~ray I-105, as described fn thane Certain Deeds from <br />Lloyd F. Whfteaicer and Ireta Whiteaker, to the State of <br />.aregon and recorded January 13, Y9~2, Reception No. 57906 <br />and recorded May 3 ~ , ~ 96 I , :tecept:;.;~ Nv. 33649, Lane ' <br />County Oregon Deed Records and more particularly described. <br />as follows: Beginning at a point in the Center of Country <br />Club Road (County Road Na. 515) South 70' 02' 26" Eaet, <br />1561.94 feet from the Southeast c^rner of the JaccS <br />Gill; spf a Dona~tian Land Claim No. 70, in SeCt#,on 30, . <br />Torrn$hip 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian= <br />and run thence South 70' 02' ~6' East, Cx.64 feet along <br />said center line of Country Club Roads thence an road <br />P"Ah}p/~ ~;rip ~/\~~..Iti ~'f1• CAi '7d1. .+. ..~ wrw <br />_ -. ;~ ~.a~.., aaa.u+i zeett tnence <br />South 10' 05'~00" East, ~~i9.38 feet to a point Northerly <br />prom I-105, wngineers center line Station 33+37,57 P.C.S. <br />to a one-inch steel rid; thence South 82' 1~' 00" ~1est, <br />170.20 feat to the West line of Lot 1i in the Pt.AT ag <br />LINTGN; thence North 447.41 feet along.said lot line to <br />the paint of beginning, in Lane County, aregans <br />~~{C~1~'I"tHG THEREFROM the right of wav of County Road Mo. <br />5i5 along the Northerly boundary of the above dp~cribed <br />tract or land in &eetion 39, To~rnship 17 South, Range 3 <br />West, Willamette Heridian, in Lane County, Gregon. <br />