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/q/2z <br />cso sa-a) <br />EXHIBIT A (Continued) <br />Tax 1 of 8~ D---As sus s.or' s Neap 17-~.3-~:30-.~ 4.: <br />i ~..... ..w' x ~• I <br />1 <br />Lai S, Block 1,~FIRST ADDITID!! ?D E. D. P. SUBDIVISION, as . <br />. fatted and tteoorded in Soak b2, Page 1, Lase County aregoa <br />~~ ~laC Racarda, in Lane Count are on. <br />y S <br />. . <br />EXCEPT that portion conveyed to the City of Eugene by instrument <br />reearded Msy l3, 1981, Reel 1i35, Reception Rio. 8i-20540, Official <br />" _ Retards of Lane County, Oregon, as failows: Beginning at the <br />Southeast corner of Lat 5, Biotic 1, FIRST ADDITIOPt Td E.D.P. <br />SUBDIVISION as platted and recorded in Book 6Z, Page 7, i.ane County <br />Dregon Plat Records, Lane County, Oregon; thence Ilorth 89° 42' 2I" <br />West, 32.55 feat; thence North 45~ 48 35" nest, 85:47 Meet; thence <br />along the arc of a 27O.OO~foot radius curve tv the left (the long <br />chord of which bears South 59° 43' l5" East, 109.x5 feet) a distance <br />of 149.91 feet; thence South 4° 57' 39" West 3.72 feet to the <br />Point of Beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon. <br />ALSO EXCEPT that portion canveyed to the City of Eugene by <br />instrument recorded May l3, 1981, Reei 1135, Reception~No. 8l- <br />20541, Official Retards of Lane County, Oregon, as follor~s: <br />Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot S, Block 1, FIRST AODZTIO[~ <br />TQ E.D.P. SUBDIVISION, as platted and recorded in Book 62, Page 7, <br />Lane County Oregon Plat Records, Lane County, Oregon; thence North <br />0° 51' 39" East., 3.72 feet; thence along the arc of a 274.x0 ~,aot <br />radius curve ~ the ri ht (the long chord of which bears ~torth <br />69° 48' pI" WeSt $,53 ~eet} a distance of 8.b3 feet to the True <br />~- Point of Beginning; thence North 21° 05' S5" East, 5:44 feet; <br />thence the arc of a 255.04 foot radius curve to the right <br />(the long chord of which bears North 68° 43' 24" West 20.fl0 Meet <br />a distance of 24.04 feex; thence South 25° 25' 23'' West, 5.04 ~ <br />feet; thence along the arc of a 270.00 fast radius curve to the <br />left (the long chord of which bears South 65° 43' 20" East, 2x.31 <br />feet} a distance of 209.38 feet to the True Paint of Beginning, all <br />in Dane County, Oregon. <br />Tax dot 8i~--~:Assessor's,~a .~~-~0.3~.3Q~iQ,, <br />~~ ~. <br />Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lat 6, FIRST ADDiTIdN '1Q E.U,p. ~SpiYI5t0l+i, <br />as platted $nd reca~ded in Volu~re b7, page 7, lane County Oregon Plat Records; <br />run thence Saut~ OQ 57' 39" Kest x07.8 feet to the Sonthc~rt earner of Said Lot 6; <br />thence North S9 02' 11" Nest 101.73 feet; thence ~acth 00 ~7' 39" !03.00 reef; therise <br />South R9 02' 11" East 30.0 feet; thacnce North 00° 57' 39" Ea3t 103.8 #'eet to tha forth <br />line of said Lot b; theme South 89 OZ' 21" East 7I.'~3 fee[ to the Point of Beginning, <br />in i.ane County, Qregan. <br />