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l9/30 <br />B4D per day or 50 pounds of suspended solids per day <br />after deducting domestic wastes or discharges from <br />sanitary conveniences, or <br />~c} In excess of 25, 000 gallons per day after <br />deducting domestic wastes or discharges from sanitary <br />conveniences, <br />shall secure a non-residential wastewater discharge permit from <br />the city. <br />~2~ Application. Existing nonresidential users shall <br />apply for a wastewater discharge permit within ninety 490 days <br />after becoming subject to the requirements of subsection ~ 1 ~ of <br />this section. New users subject to the require- <br />ments of subsection ~1~ of this section shall apply at least <br />ninety X90} days prior to connecting to ar discharging to the <br />city sewerage system. Any nonresidential user with a valid per- <br />mit and proposing to make a change in its existing discharge <br />which will substantially change the volume of flow or the char- <br />acteristics of the discharge or establish a new point of dis- <br />charge, shall apply far an amended permit at least sixty X60} <br />days before making such change. Applications shall be made to <br />the city manager in writing on forms provided by the city and <br />shall include the following information: <br />~a7 Name, address, telephone number and auth- <br />orized representative of the applicant and service <br />address; <br />~b~ SIC number. <br />~c} A list of environmental control permits <br />held by or for the applicant; <br />~d~ A list of wastewater pollutants and their <br />characteristics actually or potentially discharged <br />at the applicable plant site including measured or <br />estimated daily average and daily maximum concentra- <br />tions of these pollutants; <br />~e7 A description of spill prevention measures <br />or plans which are currently in place in the plant; <br />~f} Water use and wastewater flow rates, in- <br />cluding maximum daily, average daily, average .monthly <br />and seasonal variations, if any; <br />~g~ A detailed site, floor, or plumbing plan <br />showing the size and location of all sewers, sewer <br />connections and appurtenances, or any other facilities <br />designed to help the applicant in meeting sections <br />6.400 to 6.470 of this chapter; and <br />~h} A description of activities, facilities <br />and plant processes on the premises, including a gen- <br />. eral description of types and quantities of all mater- <br />ials which are or could be discharged into the city <br />sewerage system. <br />The city manager will evaluate the data furnished by the non- <br />residential user and may require additional information or <br />sampling of wastewater charaoteristics. If the proposed dis- <br />charge meets the requirements of sections 6.400 to 6.470 of <br />ordinance -- 8 <br />