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~9~3y <br />EXHIBIT A <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR; <br />ANNEXATION AND ZONING <br />Cone/Net Annexation Zone Change A/Z 83-3 <br />Beginning at the corner, Common to two sections, 2S, 29, 32, and B3, Township ll <br />South, Range 4 West, Willamette Meridian, said point being the True Point of <br />Beginning; thence South OO° Q1' O2" West along aline common to Sections 32 and <br />33 Township 17 South Range 4 West Willamette Meridian 2667 feet mare or less, to <br />a point on the southerly margin of West llth Avenue also known as Route F and <br />County Road #227 } having aright-of -way width of 8a' ; thence along the southerly <br />margin of West 11th Avenue, 266Q',more or less to a point of intersection with <br />the 114 section line section 32, Township 11 South, Range 4 West Willamette <br />Meridian; thence North oo° 28' OO" East along the above described 114 section <br />1 i ne 1115' more or less to the southerly right-of -way of the Coos, Bay Branch of <br />the Southern Pacific Railroad having aright-of-way width of 140'; thence South <br />82° a3' 00" east 261Q.3S' more or less to a point on the section line common to <br />sections 28 and 29 Township 11 South, Range 4 West Willamette Meridian; thence <br />South Oa° O1' 34" West, along the above described line common to Sections 28 and <br />29, 1D28,23' more or less to the True Point of Beginning, all in Lane County, <br />Oregon. <br />WF:jk/Tbl9 <br />,.t M ,~, <br />