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ORDINANCE NO. <br />AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT DIS- <br />TRICT TAKES; AMENDING SECTIONS 3,700, 3.730, AND <br />3.760 OF THE EUGENE CODE, 1971, ADDING A NEW SEC- <br />TION 3.767 TO THAT CODEr AND DECLARING AN <br />EMERGENCY. <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. Subsections ~ 6 } and ~ 7 ~ of Section 3.7 0 0 of the <br />Eugene Coder 1971, are hereby amended to read and provide: <br />3.700 Downtown Develo ment District Tax - Levy. <br />~6} Any person aggrieved by being erroneously classi- <br />fied in his or her opinion for purposes of the tax imposed by <br />this section may request the city manager to review the classi- <br />fication. Within 15 days after receiving the request, the city <br />manager ar the manager's designee, after affording the person <br />an opportunity to be heard with reference to his or her griev- <br />ance, shall determine how the person shall be classified for <br />purposes of the tax. Such determination shall be final. <br />X77 The tax imposed by this section is due and payable <br />by the last day of the month immediately following the quarter <br />to which the tax applies, and becomes delinquent if not paid on <br />the last day of the month in which it becomes due. The date of <br />the payment shall be the date of its personal delivery to the <br />finance officer or his or her designee, or its postmark date, <br />whichever is the earlier. The quarters to which the tax applies <br />begin July 1, 1973, and every October 1, January 1, April 1, and <br />July 1 thereafter. A professional may, by October 31 of the <br />fiscal year, pay the entire tax he or she expects to owe during <br />that year. A tax that becomes delinquent shall be subject to <br />penalty as provided in sections 3.730, 3.735, 3.740, and 3.745. <br />Section 2. Section 3.730 of the Eugene Code, 1971, is hereby <br />amended to read and provide: <br />3.730 Downtown Develo ment District Tax - Interest on Delin- <br />quent Any person who fails to file the tax return <br />and make payment as required under section 3.700 shall be charged <br />interest at a rate established pursuant to section 2.022 of this <br />code on the amount of tax due from the date of delinquency as <br />determined by section 3.700~7~ until the date of payment. <br />Section 3. Subparagraph gym} of Section 3.760 is hereby amended; <br />a new subparagraph fin} is added thereto; and a new unlettered para- <br />Ordinance - 1 <br />