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~~~~ <br />ORDINANCE N0. ~~~-i <br />AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING LAND USE AND SIGN DISTRICT <br />CLASSTFICATTON AND AMENDING THE ZONING MAP AND SIGN <br />DISTRICT MAP OF THE CITY OF EUGENE, OREGON <br />THE CTTY COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF EUGENE FINDS THAT: <br />Pursuant to the provisions of URS 2~7.~15 and Sections ~.B1B, 9.78, and <br />9 . d68 through g . b84 of the Eugene Code, 1971, the City Counci ~ has the authority <br />and responsi bi 1 i ty, subject to the 1 i mi tati ons cantai ned therein, to change the <br />zoning and sign district cl assi ficati on of property within the City of Eugene, <br />Based upon the report of the Pl anniny Co~~mi ss~on, the materials trans <br />miffed therewith, and the evidence presented before the Planning Commission one <br />this City Council , the request far zone change and sign district change of <br />cl assi ficatioa is in conformance with the General Plan; there is a publ is neea <br />for the change i n zone; and the public need can best be served by changing the <br />cl assi f ~ cats on of the property; <br />NOW,, THEREFORE, <br />Based upon the foregoing, the City Counci 1 hereby adopts as its own <br />the specific off i rr~ati ve findings contained i n the Planning Department staff <br />notes of Apri 1 1 Z, 193 , and the Planning Cor~mi ssi on minutes of Apri 1 12, 1883 , <br />for the reasons set forth therein, and <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. As provided by Sections 9.278 and B.d25 of the Eugene Code, <br />1971, the zone ng map, the sign district map, and the zoning ordinance sc hedul e <br />of district changes and the sign code schedule of district changes are hereby <br />amended to reflect the fol 1 owi ng change of zone ono sign district: <br />Tax Lot 401---Assessor's ~~ap 17.0330-~ O as more particularly described on <br />the attached Exhibit A, ~ ocated on the east side of Wi 1 ~ agil ~ espi a Road <br />north of County Club Road. <br />Change i n zone from R(~/SR Garden ~-partr~ent Residential District with Site <br />Review procedures to RP Residenti a1 Prafessi anal District, ar~o a change of <br />Sign District fra~~ Resi oenti al Sign Ui strict to Professional Office 5i yn <br />District . <br />Section Z . The Planning Director be and i s hereby authorized and of recteo <br />to cause the zani ng map, the si gr~ district map, the schedule of sign of strict <br />classification changes attached to Chapter 8, ono the zoning ordinance schedul e <br />of district changes attached to Chapter 9 of the Eugene Cade, 1971, to show the <br />foregoing change of classification of area and to note thereon the rule with <br />respect to bui 1 di ng i n the apprapri ate classification . <br />ORDINANCE-Page 1 of <br />