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r ~ ~ <br />'1 I ~ ~ , <br />.. ,~ <br />(R-1 ZUNE} <br />PAGE Z <br />.Beginning at a point on the East line of Lot "D." of POTTER <br />S SURVEY, as platted <br />and recorded in Volume "W", Page 255 Lane Count flre~on sai <br />South 00°31'52" East 20D6. ~'~ ~ ~ d paint bears <br />82 feet from the South Southeast corner of the L. <br />Pointdexter Qanation Land Claim No. 5~ in Section 12 Townshi <br />4 West a ~ p ~1 South, Range <br />f the Willamette Meridian, said paint being 90 feet fror~ when m <br />at right an 1 es to the cen ~ easured <br />9 .terline of Lane County Peripheral koad; thence alon <br />the arc of a spiral curve left bein 90 f 9 <br />. g eet from, when measured at right angles <br />to the centerline spiral ~ of said road, by a lon chard that b r <br />~~°15'DD" West a di 9 ea s North <br />stance of 371.24 feet to the beginning ~x~~nt of a curve to <br />the left with a radius of 2954.79 feet and a central an le of 8°~5' 0"~ <br />b a 2954. 9 3 thence <br />. ,Y 19 foot radius curve left with a centra 1 an le of 2°48' 34'' a <br />d~ stance of 144.89 9 n arc <br />feet by a long chord that bears South S1°41'2S~ West a <br />distance of 144:88 feet to a point on curve an the West line of sad " "• <br />i Lat ~ , <br />thence on a bearing of Narth U1°3D'30u East a distance of 22].80 feet ' <br />on the said West Linea .to a point <br />f said Lat °D°; thence on a bearing of South 88°29'30" <br />East a distance of 52i.8D feet to a point on the East line of said a ° °~ <br />thence on ~ ° ~~ t t D , <br />a bear. ng of South D1 30.30 West a d ~ stance o f 22Q. D4 feet to the <br />place of beginning, more or less all in lane Count Dre an. <br />Y~ 9 <br />Bearings far the R-1 zone parcel only are based u on the fire an Coor <br />S stem South Zon p 9 d inate <br />y ~ e. <br />.. .. <br />~,: <br />.- <br />