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ORDINANCE NO. `~~Q <br />AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS <br />BUILD2NGS, THE HOUSINGfWEATHERIZATION CODE; <br />AMENDING SECTIONS 8.005, $.265, 8.270, 8.275, <br />8.280, 8.285, S« 290, 8.295, 8.300, $.305, .AND <br />8.310 OF THE EUGENE CODE, 1971; REPEALING SEC- <br />TI ONS 8.315 , 8.3 2 0 AND 8.3 6 5 OF THAT coDE ; AND <br />DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. <br />THE CITY of EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. Subsection ~2~ of Section 5.005 of the Eugene Code, <br />1971, is hereby amended to read and provide: <br />s.ao5 <br />~2} Section.203 - Unsafe Buildin s, Structures, or <br />Building Service E ui menu is hereby amended by adding a sec- <br />tion 2 0 3--B thereto, to provide <br />Section 203-8 ~- Abatement of Dan erous Buildings. <br />tai Unlawful. No person who is the owner of or <br />who is in possession of or in responsible charge of any <br />dangerous building within the city shall knowingly <br />suffer ar permit such building or unsafe appendage to <br />be or remain dangerous far more than ten ~10~ days <br />after receipt of notice as provided by subsection ~c} . <br />~b7 Definition. For the purpose of the Eugene <br />Code, 19?l, the term "dangerous building" shall mean: <br />1. Any structure, building, building appen- <br />dage, or building service equipment defined in <br />general by section 203 which is determined by the <br />building official, to be deficient in terms of life <br />safety, including but not limited to, inadequate <br />exit way facilities. The term inadequate exit way <br />facilities, for the purpose of this section 203, <br />shall mean exit facilities which did not conform <br />with all applicable laws at the time of their con- <br />struction, which have not been properly maintained <br />in good condition, or which have not been properly <br />modified to cope with any increase in any occupant <br />load, any alteration or addition to the building, <br />or change in occupancy of the building. <br />2. Any structure, building, or building <br />appendage which, because of improper construction, <br />damage, structural weakness, or deterioration, <br />dilapidation by reason of age, or for the lack or <br />want of maintenance and proper repair, is struc- <br />turally unsound and which could lead to its partial <br />or entire collapse so as to endanger other prop- <br />erties or human life. These conditions may in~- <br />Ordinance - 1 <br />