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~ 9~.~q' <br />LRNDBANKING TRUST FUND <br />OTHER REQUIREMENTS <br />Reserves 45,000 <br />E UiREMENTS ~ 45,000 <br />TOTAL OTHER R Q <br />DBANKING TRUST FUND $ 45,000 <br />TOTAL LAN <br />L FUNDS $124,933,591 <br />TOTAL AL <br />ion 3. That a total 1 evy of $25 ,503,561 be made against all taxab e <br />Sect <br />' ' n the ci t of Eu ene i n general , for the purpose of deriving funds <br />property w~ the y 9 <br />` nt ro rams and to meet the expenses of the <br />necessary to carry on the d~ ffere p g <br />' overnment of the Ci t of Eugene for the fiscal year beginning J u1 y 1, <br />c~ ty g y <br />d endi n June 30 1984; and to create and provide sinking funds and <br />1983, an g <br />' funds for the various outstanding bonds and obligations of the City. <br />interest <br />Section 4. That the City Recorder i s hereby directed to certify the <br />' rein made and set forth to the County Clerk and County Assessor of <br />levies as he <br />Ore on and the De artment of Revenue in Sal ern, Oregon, and shall <br />Lane County, g p <br />f i 1 e with them a copy of the budget as final 1y adopted. <br />ection 5. That the annual levy of taxes for the City of Eugene for the <br />5 <br />' ear be i nni n Jul 1, 1983, and ending June 30, 1984, i s required by <br />fiscal y 9 9 y . <br />be made b the Cit Council and certified to the County officers of <br />1 aw to y Y <br />nt Ore on before the time for completing the tax rolls , sa .that the <br />Lane Cou y, g , <br />ma be extended and the taxes therein collected at the time that other <br />tax rol 1 s y <br />llected. That the lev must be made and completed and in the hands <br />taxes are co y <br />ORDINANCE--Il <br />June 29, 1983 <br />