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/9/~-8 <br />L. C, Map ~~11-04--35-13 <br />Tax Lots 1200 and 1300 <br />Tract B Beginning at the Sa uthwest corner of the Prior F. Blair Donation Land <br />Claim Number 39, Township 17 South, Range 4 West of the Willamette Meridian, <br />said point being on the centerline of 7th Avenue West and the east margin of <br />McKinley Street in the City of Eugene, Oregon; thence South 0° 3$t 30" West <br />1396.40 feet along the East margin of McKinley Street to the North margin of <br />llt h Avenue West; thence North 89° 07~ West 10$7.52 feet along the north margin <br />of 11th Avenue West to a point, said point being the true point'af beginning; <br />thence North $9° 07' West 120.00 feet along the north margin of 11th Avenue West <br />to a point; thence North 0° 30' 43" East 160 feet to a point; thence South $9° <br />07' East 120 feet to a point; thence South 0° 30' 43" West ~ 160.00 feet to the <br />true point of beginning, all in the City of Eugene, Oregon. <br />Tract C Beginning at the Southwest corner of the Prior F, Blair Donation Land <br />Claim Number 39, Township ll South, Range 4 West of the Willamette Meridian, <br />said point being on the centerline of 7th Avenue West and the East margin of <br />McKinley Street in the City of Eugene, Oregon; thence South 4° 3S' 30" West <br />1396.44 feet along the East margin of McKinley Street to the North marg~tn of <br />11th Avenue West; thence North 8~° 07' West 120?.52 feet along the North margin <br />of 11th Avenue West to a point, said point being the true point of beginning; <br />thence North $9° Ol' West 60.44 feet along the North margin of 11th Avenue West <br />to a point;•thence North 0° 30' 43" East 160,00 feet to a point; thence South <br />89° 07' East 60,04 feet to a point; thence South 0° 30' 43" West 160.00 feet to <br />the true paint of beginning all in the City of Eugene, Lane County, Dr egon. <br />