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C ~9~~~ ~ <br />L. C. Map # 1704-35-14 <br />Tax Lot # 1504 <br />Beginning at a point on the West right of way line of Wilsan Street <br />~bO feet wider 130.0 feet North 0° 38' 30~~ East from the point <br />of intersection of said West right of way line and the North right of way <br />.line of 11th Avenue West X60 feet wide}; thence North 0° 38' 30" East <br />along said West right of way line 104.15 feet to a point, said point bears ~' <br />South 0° 38' 30" West 185.31 feet from the Southeast corner of Lot 5, Block 7 <br />f <br />Third Addition to Eugene Industrial Tracts as platted and recorded in Book <br />43, Page 22, Lane County Oregon Plat Records in Eugene, Lane County, Oregon; <br />thence North 89° 25' West along the prolongation of and the wall of a now <br />existing building on a tract adjoining the herein described tract on the <br />North lOb.7 feet to the outside face of a building wall; thence South slang <br />said building wall face and its Southerly prolongation b0 feet; thence East <br />4.0 feet; thence South 0° 38' 30" West 43.b feet to a point on a certain line <br />bearing North 89° 07 West parallel with the said North line of 11th Avenue <br />West) from the paint of beginning; thence South 89° 07' East along said certain <br />line 102.7 feet to the point of beginning in Eugene, Lane County, Oregon. <br />ALSO rights of easement on the tracts adjoining said tract on the North and <br />on the West for utilities and building features that may now or in the future <br />encroach onto or over said adjoining tracts. <br />AND SUBJECT to rights of easement for utilities and building features that <br />do now or may later encroach onto or over this tract. <br />