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cxeiMir'A° <br />ly a?- L5 /z oo8a~ /9/S~ <br />Beginning at a po~,nt in the center line of Rivvr Road 137 1/Z feet <br />North S• d~' West from the Southwest, corner of Lvt 1 of County <br />•"~ surv©y 649, Lana County, aregon~~aaxd Southwest corner being at the <br />fnterscctian of the center line of said road with the South 3ina of <br />.the Lemuel Dav~.s Donation Land Cla~.m~ Na, 42, Tow~sh~p ].7 Sauth~ <br />Range 4 willaMette Meridian, Lana County, aregan, and rennin <br />thence North 8°•40' hest along said Centex line 64 feet to the true q <br />place of beginninq~ thence North ~' 40' i~Iest along said center 1{ne • <br />85. S feetF thence Last paral~.el thQ South line of said. claim tv <br />the Westerly bank of a slough; thence Southerly along sAid bank 179 <br />feet morn or less, to the Northeast corner of. a tract of land con- <br />veyed to F. E. t4cCracken by .deed recorded April. ~4, 1916 ~ fin Book 112, <br />page 5~1~ Lane County Cregvn Daed Records: th~ncn W©st along. the <br />North line of said McCracken tract 63Q feet, more or~less~ to the <br />Southeast.corner of A tract of land conveyed to C. ~. Pryor, et ux, <br />by dead recorded Decomber 5, 1945, fn Daok 3D4, Page 3~5, of said. deed <br />records; thence North to the Northeast corner of said Pryor tract; <br />thence West along the North ling of said Pryor tra~:t 190,35 feet to <br />the true point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon= <br />Via, <br />A parcel of land lying in the Northwest <br />quarter of the Northeast <br />.quarter of Section 25, Township 17 South Ra <br />W~ill.amette. M ~ ~ nge ~ West of the <br /> zn Lane County, Oregon, bein a ortion <br />. tract of land conveyed b that g p of that <br />Y certain deed to Robert Thompson and <br />recorded December S, x.976, Reception No, 66~ <br />Records 7 682, Lane County ore on <br />~ sa~.d parcel be~,ng all of that ~ ro ert 1 g <br />following described l' p p y ying Easterly of the <br />. lne: Beginnng at a point in the center of <br />Road No, 204 (known as River Road on County <br />No } the West line of Count Serve <br />649.. at a point 3~3, Q feet North ~ =t ~ ~ y y <br />~ ~$ ~l crest of the Southw~es <br />corner of said County Survey No, 60 whi ~~ t <br />Coon 9, ch sa~,d Southwest corner of <br />ty Survey No . 609 ~ is reported to be ~ , 0 . <br />Southwest c.o 9 ~ chaa.ns East of the <br />rner .of the L, E, Dav~.s Donat~.on Land ,Claim No. • <br />Township 1'~ South Ran ~~ zn <br />ge ~ West of the Willamette ~~eridian <br />County, Qregon, from said be in ~n Bane <br />g point run South 87 ° 5~ ~ 22" East <br />parll,el with the South line of Lot ~ of ' <br />distance of 616, sa~,d County Survey No . 609 a <br />55 feet to a point marked ~ a ~$ inch <br />markin the South y 5 Zron rod . <br />g end of a ~.lne described on that certain d <br />City of Eugene recorded March 1 eed to .the <br />6, 1979, on Reel No. 9$0 Rece tion <br />791512, Lane County Oregon Records sa' p No. <br />true o' ~ ~ ld 5I8 ~.nch Iron rod being the <br />p znt of beginning of the herein described ~ l~.n • <br />20° ~~. ~ 53 « East . 0 fe e, thence run South <br />~ 97 et to a point referenced b a • <br />rod; thence a~.on the a y 5I8 inch iron <br />g rc of a 823. ~0 foot radius curve left the <br />of which bears South 26° t ~t ~ chord <br />~ ~3 0$ East, 1~4~8.25 feet} a distance o <br />1 ~ 8. ~ 6 feet to a point, said Dint f <br />thence ° ~ t~ p being marked by a ~5~8 inch iron rod <br />• run Sout~~ 3l 3~ 55 East, 179.78 feet to a <br />5/8 inch rod on the South li point marked by a <br />ne of Lot ~. of said County ,Survey No, 60 <br />in Lane County,. Oregon. 9, <br />Bearings. used herein are based u an • <br />Zane. p the 4re~an Coordinate System, South <br />