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AZ 83•-7 <br />ORDINANCE N0. <br />AN ORDINANCE CONCERN I NG ..LAND USE... eLASS.I F.I CATI ON AND <br />. AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF EUGENE OREGON <br />THE CITY~COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EUGENE FINDS THAT: <br />Pursuant to the provisions of DRS ZZ7.215 and <br />Sections 9.278 and 9.fi68 <br />through 9,684 of the Eugene Code, 1971, the City Council has the authorst <br />and respon s i b i l i t ,sub ' ect to the l i m~' ~' y <br />•y • .J ~ tats ons conta~ ned there n, to change <br />the zoning cl assn f ~ cats on of property w~ the n the C~ ty of Eu ene • <br />9 <br />• .Based upon the report of the Planning Commission,. the maters a~ s trans- <br />m~ tted therew~ th, and the evidence presented before the Pi anni n Cord ssi on <br />and this Ci t Counci 1 • g • <br />• y ,the request for zone change cl ass~f~cat~on Ts~ ~n ~con- <br />forr~ance w~ th the General P1 an; there i s a publ i c need for the chap e i n zone • <br />and the ubl i c need can best. ~~~ <br />p . , be served by changing the classification of the <br />property; ... <br />NOW, THEREFORE, <br />Based upon the fore.goin.g, the City Council hereb ado is as i <br />s ecific affi ~ , y P is own the <br />p rmat~ ve f~ nd~ ngs conta~ ned ~ n the P1 anni ng Department staff Hates . <br />of August 2, 1983, and the P1 anni ng Commission ms nutes of Au ust ~ 1983 r <br />the reasons 9 ~ , fo <br />set forth there~.n, and <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN A5 FOLLOWS: <br />Sects on 1, As provided by Section 9. Z78 of the Eugene Code 1911 the <br />zone ng map .and the zvnrt ng orris r~ance schedule of district chan es are hereb <br />amended to reflect th g y . <br />e fol 1 owe ng change of zone: <br />Tax Lats 4DQ, 500, 700, 900, and 110o•--Assessor's Ma 1704.-~5-~12 Tax <br />Lvts 6100 6800 6900 ~ p ' <br />,and 8300-Assessor s Map 1704-24-31, and Tax Lot <br />2400--Assessor s Map 17-04-~4-4Q, as more partscularl described on the <br />attached Exhi bi t A •y <br />, 1 orated west of the W~ l 1 amette R~ ver and .south of <br />Stul is Street. <br />Change ~of zone from. County RA Suburban Residents al District to Ci t R-~ <br />Limited Multi l~e~Fami l y <br />p y Residents al District. <br />. Section 2. The Planning Ds rector i s hereby authorized and directed <br />to cause the zoning map~and the zoning ordinance schedule of dsstrsct chap es <br />attached to Cha ter 9 of the Eu g <br />p gene Code, 1911, to show the foregoing change of <br />cl assi f ~ cats on of area and to note thereon the rule with res ect to build ` <br />the a ro ri ate cl assi fi cat ` p ~ ng ~ n <br />pP P ion. <br />ORDINANCE--Page 1 of 2 <br />