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<br /> <br />Beg~.nria~ng at a aoint o <br />at ~'~~ n the ~a~t a~ thG <br />~x~tex~sect~.on ~~ said ~ .... old Pacific ~ighwa <br />. ~x~.or F. S~.aix ~a~t line with the x:oxth Y . <br />Donata.on Lana Cla~.m 2f n~ of the , <br />range 4 wept of the ~Ta. 3 ~, xawnshf.~ I7 So ~. <br />~~~,11a~aattG ~'~ax~.d~,an uth - <br />chains ~~as~ of the ~~ r a distance of 46 <br />r~~t corner of sai • 90 <br />.t~~nce South 7° Sp + d o1.a~t and r <br />fast a~.ang tho fast z <br />.feet; thence North 8 ~ ~ ine of the hi hw <br />~ 5 S~ fast ~~~ f$et• ~ aY 6G • Z. <br />~~e ~i~art~l of sai r thence Nvxth 54 fea <br />of be d c1aiM, thenca ~aest ~ t <br />, alI in the ~~. o feet to the <br />. Townshi Pxior . ~, Ala ix -Donau. point <br />. p ~.7 ~outht ~n e ~ We on Land Claim Via. 39 <br />Count , g st o~ ~~e ~~~i.xlamett~: <br />~r Qregan. ~~iorid~anr ~ Lane <br />~~ n -, <br /> <br />~~c~~~~nrrlnlr i~t t~~c center aC County ~~aad~ No. X40, 137.E i'eet North <br />~i" ~~l!' tile.-;;t !'rata the Southwest corner oP Lot 1 of Caunty Survey <br />!!o. bt~y of the recorded Survey oi' Lane Caunty, Oregon, said <br />:;ntttttw+~:;t cc;rrir?r hPinN at the intersection of the center oC said <br />ro``c1 wt tft ti~t4 ;;vut~i line of the L. g. Davis Donation Land. Claim No. <br />. ~~. tdotification No. 203, in Township 17 South, Range ~! West of <br />f <br />th+.~ 11~ ~ lrarnc~ tti~ ~c ridian; and running thence North 8° X10' West <br />6U..OO ~t'eet along center off' said ~raad; thence fast 190.3 feet; <br />tlt~snr;rr S~,uth t:v the North lane of Lot ar i:ract oP land conveyed to { <br />~~'. f~;. ~~cCracfcen, April ~, 1916, by deed recorded in 9aok 11~, gage <br />5t~1, L7rre Caunty Oregon Deed F~ecards; and thence West slang the <br />t irtr r~!' ,tt~.t~ P~icCrack~,~n tract to the point oi' beginning, 1n Lane <br />County, Oregon. . <br />