<br />West Eugene Collaborative to Publish Recommendations
<br />The West Eugene Collaborative
<br />(WEC) has developed a set of short-,
<br />medium- and long-term
<br />recommendations to address
<br />transportation, land use and
<br />environmental issues in and around
<br />west Eugene and will release its
<br />report at a press conference on
<br />Friday, March 20, at 10:00 a.m. at the
<br />American Red Cross, 862 Bethel
<br />Drive. Representatives of the group
<br />will discuss the recommendations and
<br />answer questions. Copies of the 44-
<br />page report will be distributed at the
<br />Green is sign of consensus for members of West Eugene Collaborative
<br />conference. The report will also be
<br />made available electronically on the group’s website: www.odrc.state.or.us/WestEugeneForum.php.
<br />
<br />The 27-member WEC includes west Eugene business owners, community business leaders, leaders of
<br />neighborhood groups, and leaders within the environmental community. The group includes a doctor who practices
<br />in Veneta, as well as residents of Elmira, Pleasant Hill, and Cottage Grove. It has experts in transportation and
<br />land use planning, development, real estate, construction, and wetlands. The WEC also incorporates elected
<br />officials and staff from Eugene, Veneta, Lane County, Lane Transit District, Lane Council of Governments, Oregon
<br />Department of Land Conservation and Development, and the U.S. Bureau of Land Management.
<br />
<br />The purpose of the West Eugene Collaborative has been to “develop an integrated land use and transportation
<br />solution, supported by stakeholders, that will facilitate movement of people and commerce from/through/to west
<br />Eugene and west of Eugene while enhancing community, business and the environment.” For more information,
<br />contact Landscape Architect Emily Proudfoot at the Eugene Public Works Department at 682-4915 or
<br />Emily.a.proudfoot@ci.eugene.or.us; Jan Wostmann at 485-1394 or jw@efn.org; or Gary Wildish at 228-6284 or
<br />gwildish@chambersconstruction.com.
<br />
<br />‘It All Comes Back to You’ Inspires Pledges at Spring Home Show
<br />A colorful showcase display in the Expo Hall at the Lane County Home Show last week was a good reminder to
<br />visitors of the steps they can take to save money, reduce pollution and protect the local environment. The booth
<br />featured a small house, garden area, smart car and information station. Sustainable living messages and handouts
<br />were available throughout the display and staff was on hand to answer questions. Participating visitors who
<br />completed pledges to make a few earth-friendly choices received a raffle ticket for a drawing with multiple prizes,
<br />donated by 10 local businesses and several agencies.
<br />
<br />This interactive booth was created and staffed by the Pollution
<br />Prevention Coalition, a group that works together to share
<br />information and inform and educate residents about pollution
<br />prevention tips. These agencies include: City of Eugene
<br />Stormwater Program and Wastewater Management Program,
<br />City of Springfield Environmental Services, Dept. of
<br />Environmental Quality (DEQ), Lane County Public Works-
<br />Recycling and Household Hazardous Waste Programs,
<br />Springfield Utility Board (SUB), Lane Regional Air Protection
<br />Agency (LRAPA), Department of Human Services - Drinking
<br />Water Program, and Eugene Water & Electric Board (EWEB).
<br />Berg Enterprises, sponsor of the Lane County Home Show, also
<br />assisted with the booth display.
<br />
<br />th
<br />Coming up on Saturday, April 18, is the 11 annual Earth Day Celebration at the EWEB Plaza in Eugene. This
<br />popular event, which focuses on ideas for sustainable living, features vendors and non-profit agencies, the John H.
<br />Baldwin film and lecture series, an afternoon of music, and the “procession of all species” parade for kids and
<br />adults. For more information, please call Stormwater Management Program Public Information Specialist Kathy
<br />Eva, at 682-2739 or visit the web at www.eugene-or.gov. The City’s Stormwater Management program focuses on
<br />a commitment to protect local waterways while promoting environmental stewardship. For more information about
<br />
<br />March 19, 2009
<br />