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CC Minutes - 01/21/09 Work Session
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 01/21/09 Work Session
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4/3/2009 4:06:04 PM
City Council Minutes
Work Session
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Ms. Wilson, in response to a question from Mr. Pryor, noted that most of the other funding for the West Eugene <br />Environmental Education Center (WEEEC) from sources besides the City of Eugene and the WREN had been <br />withdrawn, including the funding that had been dedicated by the 4J School District. <br />Ms. Piercy noted that the 4J School District had recently indicated that they might restore funding to a portion of the <br />WEEEC should economic conditions prove favorable. <br />Mr. Zelenka noted that the Beltline Corridor project and the funds requested for the project would most likely be <br />affected by the results of any EIS conducted to determine the environmental impact of such a project. <br />Ms. Wilson, responding to a question from Mr. Zelenka, noted that additional project priority lists from LTD and <br />other UF regional partners would be made available to the council for review on January 23. <br />Ms. Wilson, responding to a question from Mr. Zelenka, reiterated that the projects in the two lists being presented to <br />the council had not been prioritized relative to one another and that any projects considered competitive with other <br />regional partner project prioritiy lists had not been included. <br />Mr. Inerfeld, responding to a question from Mr. Zelenka, described the differences between the projects being <br />presented as part of the Federal Priorities Project List and those highway projects that had been prioritized as part of <br />the Metropolitan Policy Committee’s efforts. <br />Ms. Wilson briefly described the different processes involved in seeking funding at the state and federal levels, and <br />noted that funding for the Beltline Road and Corridor Study was being sought at both levels. <br />Ms. Wilson, responding to a request from Mr. Zelenka, noted descriptions of the current projects in the Federal <br />Priorities Project List and the Federal Transportation Reauthorization Project List; descriptions for the newer <br />projects had not yet been written. She added that full descriptions of those newer projects would be written up once <br />the City’s congressional delegation process had been initiated. <br />Ms. Taylor suggested that the City communicate with EWEB with regard to any local weatherization or energy <br />efficiency initiatives that might take advantage of federal stimulus funding. <br />Ms. Wilson, responding to a question from Ms. Taylor, reported that the City’s economic stimulus illustrative lists <br />included several road preservation and maintenance projects that were ready to go and this had been communicated to <br />ODOT to investigate how federal stimulus money might be distributed for such projects. <br />Ms. Taylor hoped that the council would be given more opportunities in the future to make suggestions for projects to <br />be included on the Federal Priorities Project List. <br />Ms. Wilson, responding to a comment from Mr. Brown, reiterated that the federal funding appropriations process <br />was under a continuing resolution that expired March 6, 2009, and that, as such, no City projects had received <br />federal funding in 2008. <br />Ms. Wilson, responding to a request for clarification from Mr. Brown, noted that the executive department staff to <br />which the Federal Priorities Project List and the Federal Transportation Reauthorization Project List would <br />eventually be presented, referred to those federal agencies that would best be able to make funding determinations <br />regarding the City’s project priorities. She added that the City’s congressional delegation would also be presenting <br />the lists to other potential federal funding sources such as the federal office of the U.S. Army Core of Engineers. <br /> <br /> <br />MINUTES—Eugene City Council January 21, 2009 Page 3 <br /> Work Session <br /> <br />
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