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~q.2.33 <br />of the original payment to the date of refund. <br />Section 2, Except as provided in Section 3 of this Ordinance, Sections <br />3.710 and 3.765 of the Eugene Code, 1971, are hereby repealed. <br />Section 3. Ali debts created by Sections 3,110 and 3.165 of the Eugene <br />Code, 1971, due the Downtown Development District through June 30, 1984 <br />shall remain after the repeal of those sections to the extent any refunds or <br />rebates to property owners within the 10th and Oak Overpark Assessment Dis-~ <br />trio are declared by the Council, <br />Section 4. That the provisions herein concern the public welfare and <br />therefore, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this Ordinance <br />shall be effective immediately upon its passage by the City Council and <br />approval by the Mayor. <br />Passed by the City Council this <br />14th day of March, 1984 <br />f}5~, Ci ty Re rder <br />Approved by the Mayor this <br />14th day of March, 1 84 <br />Mayor <br />Ordinance - 3 <br />