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i 9.z ~.6 <br />ing fraud ar evasion related to the fee, affording subjects of the fee <br />ample notice of their obligations regarding the fee, resolving administra.~- <br />tively whatever controversies arise in administration of the fee, and i~- <br />posing sanctions conducive to compliance with the rules and regulations. <br />All such rules and regulations ~s}he shall promulgate in writing and make <br />available to the public after having first reviewed them with the Downtown: <br />Commission . <br />3.750 Ad valorem Taxation in Downtown Develo meet District - Adminis~ <br />tration. Far a fiscal year for which the council levies a spe- <br />cial ad valorem tax on the ownership of real property in the Downtown <br />Development District, the finance officer shall apportion the levy to <br />the ownership of the parcels of property in the district on the basis <br />of the various classes specified in section 3.755 and in accordance <br />with the steps prescribed by section 3.760. ~S}He shall then prepare <br />and retain in the files of the department of finance for public inspec- <br />tion a certificate that the levy has been so apportioned. The certifi- <br />cate sha11 indicate the tax rates far the various classes of ownership <br />of property as effected by the apportionment. The finance officer <br />shall collect all such taxes by appropriate legal action in the name <br />of the city. <br />3.755 Ad valorem Taxation in Downtown Develo ment District - Classes <br />of Pro erty. Far special ad valorem taxation on the ownership <br />of real property in the Downtown Development District far any fiscal <br />year, real property in the district is hereby classified: <br />~a} C1ass ~ - All real property that is not otherwise <br />classified. <br />fib} Class I~ - That part of property which is devoted <br />to automobile parking facilities open to the general public <br />and under the control of the Downtown Commission. <br />~ C1ass ~I~ - All real rp aperty ex_ empt from taxation under <br />ORS 3D7.D4D to 3D7.~6D for which a~certificate of exem tion has been <br />issued under section 3.765 of this code. <br />~ Class ~v w All real ro erty used or held out for non- <br />transient residential occu ancy for which a certificate of exem flan <br />has been issued under section 3.765 of this code. For the ur ases~ <br />of this section the ward "transient" has the meanin set forth un~er <br />section 3.770 k of this code. <br />3.760 Ad valorem Taxation in Downtown Develo ment District - A or- <br />tianment. <br />~1} For purposes of this section, ;'owner" means the owner of <br />record on the Lane County tax rolls on July ~ of the year in which the <br />tax is assessed, unless the finance officer receives a written notifi- <br />cation of a change in ownership subsequent to that date. <br />~~} The finance officer sha11 apportion as follows a special <br />ad valorem tax levied for a fiscal year on the ownership of real <br />property in the Downtown Development District: <br />~a} The finance officer shall ascertain from the tax <br />Ordinance - 8 <br />